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《灵界经历》 第3404节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3404

3404. I was shown what he was like, namely that as if from his eyes, as it appeared, but actually from his ears, there went out from both sides rays like bright points, like those of certain insects that have stingers on each side, but he had bright ones, which I was enabled to aim toward myself and position in different ways. He drew back those bright stingers and stretched them out, now very straight toward me, then to the sides, then toward the back parts of his head - and I was told that when he projected the rays toward the occiput and joined them together there, he was then collecting all the people remote from my mental images. By these events it was therefore symbolized how far he was going away from the mental image, for when he projected the bright stingers behind and combined them, then he raised up persons far from my mental image. When he stretched them toward the left side and toward the right side, he then [raised up those] in the mental image not so remotely, and when he applied them toward me, [he raised up] those who were closer in the mental image; when directly and dead center, 1which I seemed to myself also able to do, then he raised up those who were nearest in the mental image. It follows, and was imparted to me, that this is the case. When shown, moreover, nothing of a face appeared, as I was told, but only a beard and the ears from which the stingers came forth. But he was able to vary things so that spirits would not know what the form of his face was. Beyond that he was invisible.


1. The Latin here translated "dead center" is in crucem, literally "into the cross."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3404

3404. He was shown to me, so far as his nature is concerned, to wit, that as it were from his eyes, but it was from the ears, there appeared to go forth, on both sides, rays, like bright stings, such as pertain to certain insects who have stings on both sides; but his were bright which it was granted me to force towards myself and dispose [arrange] differently; he drew back these bright stings, and spread them out now towards me, now to the sides, now towards the hinderparts of his head: and it was said that when he thrust forth the rays towards the occiput, and there united them, then he collected all; thus [he was then] remote from the idea; for when he thrust forth the bright stings at the back, and united them, then he excited persons remotely from the idea; when he extended them towards the sides, left and right, that [he was] thus in the idea, not so remotely; and when he applied them towards me, that he then [excited] those who [are] nearer in the idea; when [he put them forth] straight out and indeed crossed them, which I also seemed to myself able to have done, then [he excited] those who were nearest in the idea. It follows, and is insinuated, that the matter is so. Except that he was shown [to me] nothing appeared of his face, as I was told, save only the beard and ears, from which the stings [came out] - but he could vary these things, so that spirits were ignorant of what form was his face. Moreover he is invisible.

Experientiae Spirituales 3404 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3404. Is mihi ostensus est, qualis esset, nempe quod [ut] appareret 1

quasi ex oculis ejus, sed erat ex auribus, exirent utrinque radii sicut lucidi aculei, quales quorundam insectorum, qui aculeos utrinque habent, sed hic lucidos, quos adigere mihi dabatur versus me, et aliter disponere, is retrahebat eos aculeos lucidos, et divaricabat nunc arctius versus me, nunc ad latera, nunc versus posteriora capitis sui; et dicebatur cum projiceret radios versus occiput et ibi conjungebat, quod tunc colligeret omnes, sic remotos ab ideis, quibus itaque significabatur, quam procul iret ab idea, cum enim projecit aculeos lucidos a tergo, et combinavit, tunc remote ab idea excitavit personas, cum extendebat versus latera sinistrorsum et dextrorsum quod sic in idea, non ita remote, et cum applicabat eos versus me, quod tunc eos, qui propius in idea, cum directe et quidem in crucem, quod etiam facere potuisse mihi videbar, tunc eos, qui proximi in idea essent; quod ita se res habeat sequitur, et insinuatum. Praeterea ostensus nihil apparebat ex facie, ut mihi dictum, sed solum barba, et aures, ex quibus aculei; sed is potuit variare ea, ut spiritus nescirent, qua forma facies ejus esset: praeterea inconspicuus.


1. The Manuscript has apparerent

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