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《灵界经历》 第3405节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3405

3405. He obviously raised up persons by means of his own fantasies, for whatever was in the mental image concerning the persons, he collected, and fixed his look upon them, thereby coming into the mental images of the spirits, penetrating them. So the persons or spirits could not even resist him, but he aroused their mental images and then entered into them, and attracted them to himself, as it appeared, and thus collected them, as said before.

I have also heard some persons who complained, and seemed not to be in their place as before, but in a place between him and myself. In fact he even raised up, as it seemed to me, the whole of Gehenna, which I heard nearby under my left ear, so that Gehenna was near my left ear, and I was hearing their grating gyres. So by his fantasies he corrupted the auras so that they were no longer heard in their place. Therefore, if such spirits should begin to rule, the location of the grand human being would be corrupted with respect to the world of spirits.

When they were acting on my body, their action was on the middle of my left arm, or its elbow - which was shown.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3405

3405. Since he excited persons by means of his phantasies, for whatever was in the idea concerning persons he collected and held the intuition therein, thus enters the ideas of spirits which he penetrated, therefore persons, to wit, that is spirits, could not resist: but he excited their ideas, and so enter into their ideas, and as it appeared, attracted them to himself as has been said. I also heard other persons who complained, and then seemed not in their own place as before, but in a place between him and me: yea, as it seemed to me, he also excited the whole of Gehenna, which was heard near at hand under my left ear, so that Gehenna was near the left ear, and I heard their shrilly sounding gyres; thus by his phantasies he perverted spheres, so that they were no longer heard in their place: wherefore if such begin to rule, the situation of the Grand Man would be perverted, as to the world of spirits. When they acted into my body their action was into the middle of the left arm, or into his forearm [cubitum], as [which] was shown.

Experientiae Spirituales 3405 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3405. Quod personas excitaret per phantasias suas [constat], nam quicquid in idea erat de personis, colligebat, et tenebat intuitionem in iis, ita veniebat in ideis spirituum, quas penetrabat, quare etiam personae seu 1

spiritus non potuerunt resistere, sed ideas eorum excitabat, et sic intrabat in eorum ideas, et ad se, ut apparuit, attraxit, et sic collegit, ut dictum: audivi quoque personas aliquas, qui conquesti sunt, et visi tunc non in suo loco ut prius, sed in loco inter eum et me; imo etiam excitabat, ut mihi visum, totam Gehennam, quae audita sub sinistra mea aure prope, sic ut Gehenna esset prope sinistram aurem, et audiebam eorum stridentes gyros; ita per phantasias suas pervertebat sphaeras, ut non audirentur amplius in suo loco; quare si tales inciperent dominari, perverteretur situs hominis maximi, quoad mundum spirituum: cum agebant in corpus meum, actio eorum erat in medium brachium sinistrum, seu in cubitum ejus, quod ostensum.


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