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《灵界经历》 第3406节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3406

3406. I was sleeping off and on, and I awoke three or four times, and when I awoke, he was present in his place, and resumed [his action], for he had no power with sleepers. There were also some spirits with me who were sleeping, nor was he able to raise them but when they awakened. In sleep I dreamt that dogs had things that were mine, which I pursued because they were carrying off my things. But suddenly they were running along some steep path and were hiding themselves, and the path looked steeper still farther down. But the dogs hid themselves under a table, so I did not see them.

When I awoke I thought about the dogs, and about the cliff before me, then an extreme acrophobia (hissna 1) came over me, and this two or three times when I was thinking of the cliff, which fear (hissna) was streaming in from him, who fears that so much. I was told that he never dared to think of angels, or of heaven, and that he is just now undergoing that horror (hissna). So he could not possibly draw angels and angelic spirits by fantasy, for thus he would utterly perish.


1. Swedish for "acrophobia" or "fear of heights."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3406

3406. I slept at intervals [passim], and awoke three or four times, and when I awoke he was present in his place, and continued: for he had no power on sleepers. There were also some spirits with me, who were asleep, whom he could not excite, but [only those] who were awake. In [my] sleep I dreamed that dogs had those things which were mine: that I pursued them because they carried off my things; but suddenly they ran along a certain steep way, and hid themselves; and [the way] appeared still steeper down. But the dogs hid themselves under a table, with some one, thus not seen by me; when I awoke I thought concerning the dogs and concerning the precipice that was before [me]; then the greatest possible horror of the precipice [hissna] affected me: and thus twice or thrice when I thought concerning the precipice, which horror [hissna] inflowed from him, who has so great a horror for such a thing, I was told that he never dared to think concerning the angels or concerning heaven, and that such horror [hissna] now springs up; so that he can by no means attract [draw] angels and angelic spirits by phantasy; if so, he would surely perish.

Experientiae Spirituales 3406 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3406. Dormiebam passim, et evigilatus, ter aut quater, et cum evigilatus, aderat in suo loco, et continuabat, nam in dormientes nihil potestatis habuit; erant quoque aliqui spiritus apud me, qui dormiebant, quos nec excitare potuit, sed quum vigilarent; in somno somniavi quod canes haberent ea quae mea essent, quos sequerer, quia trahebant mea, sed subito currebant per praecipitem quandam viam, et abscondebant se, et apparuit adhuc praecipitior deorsum, sed canes se recondebant sub mensa apud aliquem; sic mihi non visi; cum evigilatus cogitarem de canibus, et de praecipitio, quod ante erat, tunc quam maxime intrabat me horror praecipitii (hissna {a}) et hoc bis et ter cum cogitarem de praecipitio, qui horror (hissna) influebat ab eo, qui pro tali horret ita; dictum mihi quod nusquam ausit cogitare de angelis seu de coelo, et nunc quod talis horror (hissna) subeat: sic ut angelos et angelicos spiritus, nequaquam possit attrahere phantasia, sic prorsus periret.

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