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《灵界经历》 第3413节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3413

3413. Further because the aura of that fantasy was dispersed round about me only, the quarters were interchanged, so that those who had appeared below were now above. But it should be noted that the quarters are only changed in this way before those who have not faith, but still the quarters of the grand human being remain to eternity before those who have faith. For it is impossible for fantasies to have any effect on the grand human being, for the aura of those fantasies is dispelled whensoever it pleases the Lord. It was only shown to me how things stand with them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3413

3413. Still because the sphere of that phantasy is dispersed, only around me the regions are altered, so that they who appeared below are now above; but it should be observed that only the regions are thus changed before them who are not in faith; yet the regions of the Grand Man, still remain to eternity before those who are in faith, for it is impossible that phantasies can effect anything as regards the Grand Man; for the sphere of those phantasies is dispelled whensoever it pleases the Lord - only to me was it shown how the case stands.

Experientiae Spirituales 3413 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3413. Adhuc quia sphaera istius phantasiae dissipata est circum me solum, alteratae sunt plagae, sic ut qui infra apparuerunt, nunc supra; sed observandum quod solum plagae mutentur coram iis ita, qui non in fide, at usque plagae hominis maximi permanent in aeternum coram iis qui in fide; nam impossibile est, ut phantasiae possint aliquid efficere, quoad maximum hominem: nam dispellitur phantasiarum istarum sphaera, quandocunque Domino beneplacet: mihi solum ostensum, quomodo se habent.

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