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《灵界经历》 第3414节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3414

3414. There came also throngs that were accustomed to dispersing wrongly associated elements as the belled spirits dispersed the highway robbers, then also, the east wind, spoken of before [2121 ff., 2972-2973], but they were not able to scatter the aura of those fantasies - just the reverse, they even drew them away, so penetrating was the aura of their fantasies. But I heard and felt a different, subtler east wind around my head and ears, on which they were unable to operate by fantasies.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3414

3414. There also came cohorts, who are wont to disperse illy - associated [things] like the hilled [spirits who are] highway robbers; then also the east wind which [I have mentioned] before. But they could not shake off [disperse] the sphere of those phantasies. On the other hand they [those phantasies] also carried them away, so penetrating was the sphere of those phantasies; but another more subtle east wind was heard and perceived around my head and ears; into it they could not operate by phantasies.

Experientiae Spirituales 3414 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3414. Venerunt etiam cohortes quae solebant dispellere male sociata, sicut campanulati, qui latrones viarum, tum etiam ventus orientalis, de quibus prius [2121 seqq., 2972-2973], sed non potuerunt discutere sphaeram phantasiarum istarum, vicissim, eos etiam abstrahebant, ita penetrans erat phantasiarum eorum sphaera; sed alius ventus orientalis subtilior circum caput et aures meas auditus et perceptus, in eum non potuerunt operari phantasiis.

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