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《灵界经历》 第3421节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3421

3421. The educated who have conceived fantasies see nothing else but whatever confirms them

With spirits I spoke about the learned, saying that spirits have found with them more things confirmatory of what they have conceived out of the love of self and of the world and assumed as principles, than with others. For whatever philosophic and scientific point exists with man, they turn into confirmations, and the rest they do not see, or if they are brought out by others, they bend them toward [their own views].

Likewise preachers do the same with regard to things in the Word of the Lord, not seeing anything that conflicts with, but only those things in the literal meaning that favor [their views]. Therefore, the more learned in the sciences, and the more learned in the Word, the more insane they usually are. Perhaps this is the reason why priests almost at once change their attitude on becoming priests, and become more unmerciful than the rest, among other things.

The cases of these, who draw conclusions only from the things they see, are like that of the mental images of spirits who see only filthy things that are far off [2850-2853]. 1748, 2 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3421


I spoke with spirits concerning the learned, [saying] that spirits find [in them] more confirmations of such [views] as they have taken up from self-love [and] love of the world, and assumed as principles, than [they do] in others: for whatever philosophic and scientific is in men, they turn into confirmations: they do not see anything else, or if they are excited by other things bend them thither. In like manner do preachers [handle] the things that are in the Lord's Word: they do not see those things which conflict [with their views], but only such things in the literal sense as favor [them]. Wherefore the more learned in the sciences, and the more learned in the Word, the insaner are they wont to be. Hence perhaps it happens that priests immediately as it were change their mind when they become priests, and become more unmerciful than others, and so forth. It is with these things as with the ideas of spirits, who see only filthy things that are far off, [and] who conclude only from such things as they see. - 1748, October 20.

Experientiae Spirituales 3421 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3421. Quod docti qui phantasias ceperint, nihil aliud videant, quam quae confirmant

Cum spiritibus de doctis loquutus, quod spiritus [apud tales] plura confirmantia eorum quae ceperunt ex amore sui [et] 1

mundi, et assumserunt pro principiis, inveniant, quam apud alios, nam quicquid philosophicum et scientificum apud homines est, id vertunt in confirmantia, caetera non vident, vel si ab aliis excitantur, eo flectunt; similiter praedicatores ea quae sunt in Verbo Domini, non vident ea quae repugnant, sed modo ea in sensu literali, quae favent: quare quo doctior in scientiis, et doctior in Verbo, eo solent esse insaniores: inde forte venit, quod sacerdotes quasi illico mutent animum, cum sacerdotes fiunt, et immisericordiores reliquis fiunt, praeter alia; se habent ea, sicut spirituum ideae, qui vident modo spurca, quae longinqua [2850-2853], qui concludunt solum ex iis, quae vident {a}. 1748, 2 Oct.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

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