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《灵界经历》 第3455节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3455

3455. That preacher's face at length underwent a change, and he became fiery black. His body brightly clothed, and in his demeanor black and ugly, he was carried about and it was shown to spirits and angels what a foul person he was. And because he imagined that he had done this for the sake of progeny, he portrayed to himself something like an offspring, which was visible, but the likeness of an offspring was wound about his head and it became like something black, and then his face, uglier.

Finally he pictured to himself that guiltless people had also been participants, for he substituted them to defend himself.

[2] He then scraped together whatever he could from the Word, about David, and other things about the pre-Adamites - things I had not heard before. Then being again wrapped about, and in fact his whole body, by these means he became black all wrapped up, and then his front aspect from his head downward became an elongated face, thus still uglier - after which changes he was dismembered by tormentors, although not very cruelly, and placed against a column, where his face appeared in its normal dimensions, of a foul, cadaverous color.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3455

3455. That preacher was at length changed as to his face, and having become fiery yet black, his body clad in white, in this black and deformed aspect he was carried about and exhibited to spirits and angels, [that they might know] how vile a man he was; and because he deemed that his conduct was for the sake of offspring, he represented to himself something like an offspring, which was seen; but, as in the case of a young child, his head was enveloped round about and made as it were black, thus rendering his face still more deformed. At length he represented to himself that the innocent were participators with him, for these he was in the practice of substituting, that he might screen himself. He then scraped together whatever he could from the Word, - some things respecting David, and others respecting the Pre-Adamites, - which I had not before heard; and his whole body being then again enveloped, and presenting thus enwrapped a dusky aspect, the entire front of his person, from his head downwards, became, as it were, an elongated face, which added vastly to his deformity. Afterwards he was torn and rent by the tormentors, but still not very cruelly, and placed against a column, when his face appeared only of its natural dimensions, but unsightly, from a cadaverous hue.

Experientiae Spirituales 3455 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3455. Praedicator is tandem quoad faciem mutatus, et factus niger igneus, et corpore vestitus candide, et sic niger et deformis circumlatus, et ostensus spiritibus et angelis, qualis foedus homo esset: et quia putavit sobolis causa hoc factum, sobolis instar sibi repraesentabat, quod visum, sed instar sobolis circumvolutum circum caput ejus, et factum sicut nigrum, et sic facies ejus adhuc deformior: tandem repraesentabat sibi quod insontes quoque participes essent, nam tales substituit, ut se defenderet; tunc quae ex Verbo potuit corradere, de Davide, et alia de praeadamitis, quod prius non audivi, tunc iterum circumvolutus, et quidem circum totum corpus, ita talibus niger factus circumcirca involutus, et tunc anteriora ejus longa facies facta, capite deorsum, ita adhuc deformior: et postea discerptus a discerptoribus, sed usque non miserabiliter; et positus juxta columnam, ubi facies apparebat modo suae amplitudinis, foeda coloris cadaverosi.

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