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《灵界经历》 第3457节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3457

3457. Grasped by a spiritual mental image, that the evil have nothing of life in them

Overhead there were those who practice secret deception, for they only operate when it does not harm them to do so, as is usually the case with them who act in secret. When they are given rein only a little, they at once act according to their own nature.

Therefore I questioned them, asking whether there was anything of life in them, having perceived by a spiritual mental image that they operate like a tendon 1- the more it is relaxed, the more action there is - with the difference that such spirits are forms receptive of life. So they imagine they are acting as living beings, but I also saw by the spiritual mental image that they have no life from themselves, that they appear as a black dead something.

They replied that they did not know, because they likewise felt that they operated comparatively like a tendon when it relaxes, thus according to their own mold, into which life streams from the Lord, and to the extent that that life is diminished or taken away, they tend toward deception and depravity. 1748, 3 Oct.


1. Meaning perhaps "a restraining cord."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3457


There were above the head those who act by clandestine deceit, for they only act when they can do it without harm to themselves, as is usual with those who are accustomed to act in this manner. These being remitted for a short time [into their former state], immediately acted from their nature; wherefore I inquired of them whether there was aught of life in them, for I perceived, by a spiritual idea, that they acted like a sinew, which acts only as it is relaxed; with the difference, however, that such spirits being forms receptive of life, think that they act as if really living. By a spiritual idea it was also perceived, that of themselves they were destitute of life, which was indicated by the appearance of something black [and] lifeless. They answered that they did not know, because they also perceived that they acted like a sinew that is relaxed; thus they, from their own form, into which the life of the Lord flows, in proportion as this is diminished or withdrawn, tend to what is deceitful and depraved. - 1748, October 3.

Experientiae Spirituales 3457 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3457. Perceptum idea spirituali, quod malis nihil vitae insit

Erant supra caput, ii, qui clandestino dolo agunt, nam tunc modo agunt, cum iis non nocet, ut solent qui clandestine agunt, ii remissi aliquantisper, illico ex natura sua agebant, quare quaesivi eos, an aliquid vitae iis insit, nam idea spirituali mihi perceptum, quod agerent sicut tendo, quantum remittitur, tantum agit, cum differentia, quod spiritus tales sint formae recipiendi vitam, sic agere putant sicut vivi, idea quoque spirituali perceptum quod sint nullius vitae ex se, quod ut nigrum quoddam mortuum apparebat; ii respondebant, quod non scirent, quia similiter perceperunt, se agere comparative sicut tendo, qui remittitur, ita ii ex forma sua, in quam vita Domini influit, quae quantum diminuitur seu aufertur, tendunt in dolosa et prava. 1748, 3 Oct.

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