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《灵界经历》 第3459节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3459

3459. About the animate spirits and the tissues

I spoke with spirits about the animate spirits, and one or some were present who also seemed to have known about such matters in bodily life. I said, namely, that extremely few of the learned of the world thought that there was such a substance as animate spirit, but that the tissues are empty, like a dry thread, when yet it could be obvious to anyone that such a fiber could not possibly operate without its own fluid within it - any more than a passive element could without an active one. This was perceived to be impossible, for then the tissues would completely lack any live functioning, like a blood vessel without blood. Only if they saw some juice squeezed out or a liquid appearing by means of instruments, would they believe, because it then becomes perceptible to the senses. Yet nothing that is of service to life can exist unless there be an active element within it and a reactive element outside of it.

This was not all spoken in so many words, but still it was thought together with spirits, as it is while I am writing. 1748, 3 Oct.

Then as long as they dispute about whether there is animate spirit in the tissues, which could go on still for thousands of years, they can never even arrive at the entryway of higher knowledge, but they stand far away, not even seeing the entryway, because in most cases the most learned only dispute whether a thing exists or not.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3459


Speaking with some concerning the animal spirits, when there was one or more present who in the life of the body seemed to have known something about such things, [I said] that very few of the learned would believe that any animal spirit is given, but that the fibers are empty, like dry stalks of flax, when yet it may be evident to anyone that no such fiber could operate without its inner fluid, any more than there could be a patient without an agent. This was perceived to be impossible, for the fibers would then be destitute of all vital operation, like a blood-vessel without blood. Yet [these same persons] if they see any juice expressed, or a liquid injected by instruments, will then believe, because it becomes sensible; when at the same time nothing subservient to life can be given, unless there be an agent within and a re-agent without. This was not all actually said in so many words, but it was thought over with spirits, as it is while I am writing. - 1748, October 3. As long as it is disputed whether an animal spirit exists in the fibers, which may be done for a thousand years, they can never come even to the outer court of knowledges, nor even see it, but stand afar off; for on most points the learned simply dispute whether a thing is or not.

Experientiae Spirituales 3459 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3459. De spiritibus animalibus et fibris

Loquutus cum spiritibus [de spiritibus] animalibus et aderat vel aderant qui in vita talia quoque scivisse videbatur, quod nempe docti mundi paucissimi putent aliquem spiritum animalem dari, sed fibras esse vacuas, sicut la sicca, cum tamen cuivis constare potest, quod nusquam talis fibra possit operari absque suo fluido intus, sicut patiens non absque agente, et perceptum quod hoc impossibile, ita omnis operationis vitalis expertes forent fibrae, sicut vas absque sanguine: modo si succum aliquem expressum vident, aut liquorem penetrantem per instrumenta, tunc credunt, quia sensuale fit: cum tamen nihil vitae obsequiosum dari potest, nisi sit intus agens, et extus reagens; hoc non loquutum omne, sed usque cum spiritibus cogitatum, ut fit cum scribo. 1748, 3 Oct. Tum quamdiu disputant num detur spiritus animalis in fibris, quod fieri potest adhuc per millia annorum, nusquam ne quidem ad atrium cognitionum venire possunt, sed e longinquo stant, ne quidem atrium vident, quia in plerisque modo ab eruditissimis disputatur num sit.

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