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《灵界经历》 第3469节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3469

3469. Therefore, when the fire of Gehenna could not harmonize with the fire of this flame, being more criminal, then out of Gehenna there drifted toward them those who had been of the same character, and they made up a large group. Then there were brought down from there, and it was decided, and also announced, that of these a new Gehenna would be formed. So they were rounded up, as though they would form there a new Gehenna, but still they could not stay in that aura but came above my head, stopping there for some time. I heard then, from a hissing kind of whisper that cannot be described, that there were very many of them.

[2] They were above my head for quite a while, thus whispering with a hissing sound - not like the Gehenna that had come up to my left ear previously, spoken of earlier. I think [3405], whose whisper was hoarser, coming from a cruder flame of fire - no, this whisper was more subtle, coming from a subtler flame. It spread around my head, due to the fact that these had put on those principles of holiness. But after that they were driven into the quarter at the back, or hind quarter, as if they were being sent off from this solar system into the universe, where their likes are thought to be. So they were plunged into their swamps; where they were afterwards driven away to, I do not know.

At this point also I was feeling my eyes weakening, especially the right one. 1748, 4 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3469

3469. When it was found that the fire of Gehenna would not coalesce with the fiercer fire of this flame, then those from Gehenna who were of similar quality drew near to them, and both parties forming themselves into a band, were thence wafted about. I then supposed and said that a new Gehenna would be formed of those of this character, and that for this reason they were borne about as described. But they could not remain in that sphere, and came above my head, and there remained for some time stationary. I learned that they were exceedingly numerous, from a hissing kind of whisper, which cannot be described. They were sometime above my head, and whispered with a horrible hiss, but quite unlike the Gehenna that had previously approached my left ear, concerning which I spoke, if I mistake not, before, and the whisper of which was hoarser, because from a more dense flame of fire. But this was more subtle, because of a more subtle flame. It extended itself around my head, from their pretending such principles of holiness. They were afterwards driven to a region in the rear, or in a back direction, as if to be remitted from the world of this sun into the open universe, where beings like them are supposed to be, and there to be plunged into their lakes. Where they were afterwards driven to I know not. I perceived at the same time that my eyes were weakened, especially the right. - 1748, October 4.

Experientiae Spirituales 3469 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3469. Cum itaque ignis Gehennae cum hujus flammae igne concordare nequiret, quia facinorosior; tunc ex Gehenna alluebant ad eos, [ii] qui tales quoque fuerunt, et faciebant numerum, et sic inde deferebantur, tunc arbitratum, sicut etiam loquutum, quod ex talibus nova Gehenna formaretur, quare delati circum, quasi ibi novam Gehennam formarent, s ed usque non in sphaera ista morari potuerunt, sed venerunt supra caput meum, et ibi aliquamdiu subsistebant, audiebam tunc quod perplurimi essent ex susurro quasi sibiloso, qui non describi potest: ii supra caput meum aliquamdiu erant, et ita sibilose susurrabant, non sicut Gehenna, quae prius admota fuerat auri meae sinistrae, de qua ut reor prius [3405], cujus susurrus erat crassior, quia ex amma ignis crassiore, sed hujus erat subtilior quia ammae subtilioris, extendebat se circa caput meum, ex causa quod talia principia sanctitatis praetulerint, sed postea in plagam a tergo, seu tergalem acti, quasi a mundo hujus solis in universum, ubi putabantur tales, remitterentur, ita immergerentur stagnis eorum; quo postea abacti sint, nondum scio: tunc quoque debilitari oculos meos sentiebam, imprimis dextrum. 1748, 4 Oct.

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