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《灵界经历》 第3488节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3488

3488. About the best spirits, of another planet, similar to the primitive or Moravian Church

There came spirits at a short distance toward my left temple, and they blew upon me in a certain language, but it was not understood. Then, while I was speculating that it might be within my field of thinking, I heard a speaking, softer than any I had heard before as far as I remember. It was like a very soft aura, blowing first at my left temple and left ear from above, and reaching the left eye, and a little also the right one, then the lips, especially from the left eye. When it arrived at the lips, it entered through the mouth and thence into my thought, just as I had speculated, through the Eustachian tube, and at that point communication of their thoughts was granted, so that I was receiving their thoughts, and they mine.

They then even told in their thought-language how they speak, namely, by moving the lips, which with me were likewise moving, as also the tongue slightly. This [manner of speaking] was common to them all, for there must be a general composed of the existing particulars.

Moreover, their thoughts were communicated through the tissues of their lips, and it was said by thought that their mental imagery was thus clearly communicated to others. Hence I was enabled to conclude that they were from a different earth, because of their speech with the lips, but it was not revealed to me from where. From their confession of faith I could assume they were from the planet Jupiter, for on every planet there is some higher knowledge of faith, as also on our own. For our most ancient Church was very much like [Jupiter].

Besides this there was something even more general in their speech effected by the lower jaw, which they stretched forward in me as they do in themselves beyond the upper lips, that jaw being moved at the same time by the gums, having the same motion as when I move my [lower] jaw together with gums and lips.

[Marginal note: In the Grand Human they constitute those parts that pertain to the middle province between the cerebrum and cerebellum, thus those pertaining to thinking or understanding to the cerebrum, and those pertaining to affection or the will to the cerebellum. For this reason things of the understanding and of the will work with them as one, and their whole face is as it were speaking, and their eyes thinking.]

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3488


A company of spirits came to within a short distance of my left temple, and breathed upon me with a certain kind of speech, which, however, I did not understand. But thinking it might be within the sphere of my thoughts, I felt it as something softer than I recollect ever to have experienced before, blowing like a very gentle aura first upon my left temple and left ear upwards, extending to the left eye and slightly towards the right, then to the lips, especially from the left eye, and when it reached the lips it entered by the mouth, and thus as I supposed, through the Eustachian tube into the thought. There was then given a communication of thoughts, so that I perceived theirs, and they mine. They then stated, in cogitative speech, by what manner the utterance was effected, viz. by moving the lips, which were similarly moved with me, as also the tongue for a short time, which was a common act [to them all], for there ought to be a common where there are particulars. Moreover their thoughts were communicated by [the fibers of] the lips, and it was said in thought that they thus perspicuously conveyed their ideas to others. I was able thence to conclude that they were from some other earth, from their speaking [by the simple motion of the lips], but from what one in particular I was left in ignorance. From their confession of faith I was prompted to think them from the earth Jupiter; for in every earth there are various knowledges of faith, as there are also in our own, and our Most Ancient Church was extremely similar to that [to which these spirits belonged]. Their speech was moreover marked by another common peculiarity, viz. that it was effected somehow by the lower jaw, which with me, as well as with themselves, they made to protrude beyond the upper lips: 1quae maxilla simul movebatur a gingivis, quam motionem habebant, a mea maxilla cum gingivis, et labiis. 2


1. We have left untranslated the concluding sentence of the above paragraph, because we know not how to understand it. It evidently points at some difference in the motion of his jaw and that of the spirits in question, but the precise nature of the difference is to us unintelligible. -Tr.

2. Note on the lateral margin:-

"They pertain in the Grand Man to the province intermediate between the cerebrum and cerebellum, thus to the region of thought or intellect in the cerebrum, and to that of affection or will in the cerebellum. Thence it is that intellectual and voluntary things act with them as one, the face speaking and the eye at the same time, as it were, thinking."

Experientiae Spirituales 3488 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3488. De spiritibus optimis, alius telluris, similibus primitivae seu Moravianae Ecclesiae

Veniebant spiritus ad paucam distantiam ad sinistrum tempus, et quadam loquela me afflabant, sed non intelligebatur, tunc, autumantes quod esset intra cogitationis meae sphaeram, molliorem non prius, quantum memini, sensi, [erat] sicut mollissima aura afflans, quae afflabat primum sinistrum tempus et sinistram aurem superne, et afflatus pergebat ad sinistrum oculum, et paulum etiam ad dextrum, tum ad labia, cumprimis a sinistro oculo, et cum ad labia, intrabat per os, et sic in cogitationem, ut autumabam, per tubam Eustachianam, ut tunc data est communicatio cogitationum eorum, sic ut cogitata eorum perciperem, et ii mea cogitata, tunc quoque dicebant loquela cogitativa, quomodo loquuntur, nempe movendo labia, quae apud me similiter movebantur, parumper etiam lingua, quod erat commune, nam commune debet esse, ubi singularia, praeterea cogitationes eorum communicabantur per labiorum eorum fibras, et cogitatione dictum, quod sic ideas suas perspicue communicarent aliis; exinde concludere potui, quod ex alia tellure essent, quia loquela labiorum, sed non mihi manifestum unde, ex fidei eorum confessione, autumare potui, quod ex tellure Jovis, nam in quacunque tellure sunt variae cognitiones fidei, sicut etiam in nostra, nam antiquissima Ecclesia nostra ei simillima fuit. Praeterea adhuc communius quoddam loquelae eorum erat, per maxillam inferiorem, quam, sicut apud eos, apud me protendebant ultra labia superiora, quae maxilla simul movebatur a gingivis, quam motionem habebant, a mea maxilla cum gingivis et labiis.

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