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《灵界经历》 第350节

(一滴水译本 2020--)

350.在天堂,一切事物,甚至最小的事物,都能在充足的光中被展示。 这一点可能看上去很奇妙,但我被告知,许多属灵和属天的事物都能如同在正午之光中那样被展示给今天在我周围的灵魂。现在,他们说,他们看见人的本性和这一类的事物,还看见某个人拥有多少良善和邪恶,以及虚假和真理,在这个人里面完全如同在日光之下那样看到。他们也看见某个人在各个状态下,过去是何品质,现在又是何品质。我想记下这个事实,因为它必作为某种神奇的事冲击每个人。

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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 350

350. All things, even the least, can be demonstrated in heaven in full light

It might appear remarkable, but I am told that many spiritual and heavenly matters can be demonstrated, as if in noonday light, to the souls around me today. Now they are saying that they see the character of a person, and things of that kind - how much someone possesses of good and evil, of falsity and truth - altogether as if in daylight, within the person. They also [see] what someone had been like, and is now like in various states. I wanted to make note of this fact, because it cannot but strike everyone as remarkable.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 350


It may perhaps seem wonderful that it is said that many things which are spiritual and celestial can be demonstrated as in mid-day, or as in light, to the souls 1who are round about me today. They now say that they see the nature of man, and the like, also how much he possesses of good and evil, of falsity and truth, altogether as if in light, within the subject; also of what quality he was, and of what quality he is in various states. I wanted to note this, because it cannot but strike anyone as something wonderful.


1. In the Index (s.v. Angelus) this ability to see man's quality is ascribed not to "souls" but to "angels".

Experientiae Spirituales 350 (original Latin 1748-1764)

350. Quod omnia et singula ad lucem demonstrari possunt 1

in coelo

Mirabile forte obvenit, quod dicatur [quod] 1

plura quae spiritualia ac coelestia sunt, demonstrari possint sicut in meridie, seu sicut in luce, animabus quae circum me sunt hodie, nunc dicunt, quod videant indolem hominis, et similia, tum quantum possideat a bono et malo, a falso et vero, prorsus sicut in luce, intra subjectum, tum etiam qualis fuit, et qualis est, in vario statu, hoc quia non potest non mirabile unicuivis 2

obvenire, id annotare volui.


1. The Manuscript has potest

1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

2. The Manuscript has unuicuivis

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