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《灵界经历》 第3506节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3506

3506. When they were speaking about their republic, that they should strive to become rich and thereby able to resist their neighboring enemies, they were told that this could not be their purpose, because if they found out about places elsewhere where they could make greater profit, they would at once betake themselves there together with their riches, thus abandoning the republic - which they admitted - besides what I had told them earlier [3503], namely, that they could get rich and still not be corrupt. They were also shown that it was not evil to engage in business, like those who make swords, muskets, and gunpowder, and still can be good people in spite of making weaponry destructive to humanity. They are neither aware nor concerned about what use they are put to, possibly thinking such instruments are necessary for the defense of society - as they surely are as long as societies are such as they are.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3506

3506. When the conversation turned upon their republic, and they said that they act in this manner and become rich that they might be able to resist the enemies that bordered upon them, it was said to them, that this could not be their real end, for if they should learn that larger gains were to be made elsewhere, they would immediately convey themselves thither with their wealth, and leave the republic to take care of itself, which they confessed; beside what was said above, that they might increase in opulence, and still not be depraved. It was also shown them that business was not in itself an evil, for men might manufacture swords, muskets, and gunpowder, and yet be good men, although thus fabricating instruments which were destructive to the human race; for they do not think of nor regard the use to which they are to be applied; they only think that such things are necessary for the defense of society, which they surely are while societies are such [as they are].

Experientiae Spirituales 3506 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3506. Cum de republica sua loquerentur, quod ita facere debeant, ut sint opulenti, et sic resistant vicinis hostibus, iis dictum est, quod hoc non possit esse eorum finis, quia si ii scirent alibi locorum quod plus lucrarentur, illico se conferrent illuc cum opibus suis, sic relinquerent rempublicam, quod fassi; praeter quod prius [3503], nempe [quod] ditescere possent usque non pravi esse, etiam iis ostensum quod id non malum negotiari, sicut qui enses faciunt, sclopeta, pulverem pyrium, ii usque possunt boni esse, tametsi talia faciunt, quibus humanum genus necatur, nam ii non sciunt nec curant, cui usui, cogitare possunt, quod talia necessaria defendendae societati, sicut etiam sunt, cum societates tales.

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