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《灵界经历》 第3508节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3508

3508. That the Dutch have a different life and thus a different nature than other nations, I was also enabled to conclude from various considerations, one being that other nations still also prize certain different qualities such as being honorable, devout, religious, learned, friendly, thus those who have these qualities, without desiring to become financially wealthy. But in the case of most of the Dutch it is not so - they prize only the lucre, and those other things they do not esteem at all, but scorn everything else, except the wealthy.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3508

3508. That the Hollanders are of different life or different nature from other nations is to be inferred from a variety of considerations, as that other nations, besides aiming at the acquisition of wealth, have also an idea of something honest, pious, religious, learned, and friendly, which they hold in esteem, as they do also those who are distinguished by these traits, but the Hollanders are altogether of a different genius, esteeming nothing in comparison of gold, and making light of everything except rich men.

Experientiae Spirituales 3508 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3508. Quod Hollandi sint ex alia vita sic ex alia natura, quam aliae nationes, etiam concludere datum ex variis, ex eo quod aliae nationes usque aliud quoddam sicut honestum, pium, religiosum, doctum, amicum aestiment quoque, sic eos qui tales sunt, praeter quod etiam opibus ditescere cupiant, sed Hollandi plerique non ita, modo lucrum, et praeterea nihil tale aestimant, sed illudant, quicquid praeter divites.

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