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《灵界经历》 第352节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 352

352. Souls after death think for certain that they are living in the body.

From much experience, I have learned that the souls of the dead consider it as certain that they are in the body and in the world, so that they will only grudgingly allow themselves to be persuaded that they are in the other life. If they are asked where they are, whether they are standing on the earth or soil, whether they have clothes on, as in the world, and things of this kind, they at once answer that they cannot imagine anything else. But presently, when they reflect upon the matter, they realize they are in the other life; and then some grieve, and some do not, depending on the life they led and the beliefs they held in the body. 1747, the 15th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 352


From much experience I have learnt that the souls of the dead suppose, as if it were certain, that they are in the body and in the world, so that it is with difficulty that they suffer themselves to be persuaded that they are in the other life. If they are asked where they are, whether they are standing on land or ground, whether they have garments as in the world, and such things, they at once reply that they cannot suppose anything else. But presently, when they reflect upon it, they become aware that they are in the other life. Some then grieve, but some do not, according to their life and faith in the body. 1747, Dec. 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 352 (original Latin 1748-1764)

352. Quod animae post mortem putent pro certo, quod in corpore vivant

Ex pluri experientia edoctus sum, quod animae mortuorum pro certo quasi putent, quod in corpore sint et in mundo, sic ut aegre se persuaderi patiantur, quod in altera vita sint. Si iis interrogatur ubinam sint, num insistant terrae aut solo, num habeant vestes sicut in mundo et similia, respondent illico, quod non aliter putent, sed mox cum in id reflectunt, appercipiunt, quod in altera vita sint, quidam 1

tunc dolent, quidam autem non, secundum eorum vitam et fidem in corpore. 1747, die 15 Dec.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has quidem

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