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《灵界经历》 第353节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 353

353. Man has use of a double memory, and how the double memory passes away

The memory people actually call memory is a memory at the level of nature, because it belongs to the earthly mind and is a memory of personal matters or material mental imagery corresponding with words. This memory passes away when a person dies.

His soul retains the ability to reason and understand due to a certain spiritual memory, or a memory of rational or immaterial ideas, as it is called. It is this latter memory that causes the illusion that one is still in the life of the body. But because this memory was born from the earthly memory, it is filled with fallacies and continues to trouble, to obscure, and if left to itself, to distort truths, so that also this memory gradually disappears to the point where the reasoning power born from it passes away. Nevertheless, this memory is still retained and the person is instructed in the higher knowledge of truth, until the time when it can be erased.

Finally, the human being remains, insofar as it is a human being, which means the remaining part together with the acquired part. This is the soil wherein new or heavenly seed is sown, and out of it arises the new human being, or in the human being the heavenly paradise, with all heavenly happiness, peace and innocence. 1747, 15 December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 353


The memory which man properly calls the memory, is the natural memory, because it is of the natural mind, and is the memory of particulars, or of material ideas which correspond to words; this memory perishes when man dies. His soul retains the faculty of reasoning and of understanding from a certain spiritual memory, or the memory of ideas rational or immaterial, as they are called. It is his memory that causes a man after death to know no otherwise than that he is still in the life of the body. But because this memory is born from the natural memory it is replete with fallacies, and it still disturbs, obscures, and, if left to itself, perverts truths; wherefore this memory also successively vanishes, insomuch that even the rational born therefrom perishes. But this memory is nevertheless retained for some time, and is imbued with the cognitions of truth, even until it can be obliterated. At length the man remains - so far as he is a man - which is the part remaining, together with the things acquired, which is the soil in which new, or heavenly seed is sown. From this there arises a new man, that is, a heavenly paradise within man, with all heavenly felicity, peace and innocence. 1747, Dec. 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 353 (original Latin 1748-1764)

353. Quod homo gaudeat duplici memoria, et quomodo 1

duplex memoria perit

Memoria, quam homo proprie memoriam vocat, est memoria naturalis, quia est mentis naturalis, estque memoria particularium seu idearum materialium, correspondentium vocibus, haec memoria perit, quando moritur homo; anima ejus retinet facultatem ratiocinandi et intelligendi ex memoria quadam spirituali, seu idearum rationalium seu immaterialium, ut vocatur, haec memoria facit, ut homo post mortem non aliter sciat, quam quod adhuc in vita corporis sit; sed quia haec memoria nata est ex memoria naturali, fallaciis repleta est, et usque turbat, obscurat, et si relinquitur sibi, pervertit veritates, quare etiam haec memoria successive evanescit, adeo ut rationale inde natum pereat; sed haec memoria, usque tamdiu retinetur, et imbuitur cognitionibus veri, usque dum obliterari queat; tandem manet homo, quatenus homo, quod est pars residua una cum acquisita, quae est humus in qua novum seu coeleste semen inseminatur, inde exsurgit homo novus, seu in homine paradisus coelestis, cum omni felicitate coelesti, pace, et innocentia. 1747, 15 Dec.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; sed inclarum in the Manuscript

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