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《灵界经历》 第3525节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3525

3525. About the angels guarding, and the spirits leading people

I have been instructed that with all people on earth there are two angelic spirits at their head through whom the Lord protects them. Their function is to moderate and control evil spirits that approach, besides other duties looking to their truth and goodness. They were the ones, I think, spoken of just above [3524]. And in addition, there are spirits who imagine they are that person, one, two, three, who are mediums of the world of spirits, into whom the others' urges flow - which spirits change depending on the changed general states of mind of the person, and who are controlled by the angelic spirits, of [whose role] they are completely ignorant.

[2] Angelic spirits do not know without reflection but that they are the person - but the inward person, acting into the inward parts of thoughts, which do not readily reach the person's thinking. But given to reflect, they know they are angelic spirits. About their being changed, and whether others come up by turns, I have not been so much instructed. So the case is similar as with the inhabitants of Jupiter: when the punishers come, then two angels are at the head. Likewise also in the case of the dead that are to be resuscitated, where there are two angels [1097]. 1748, 10 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3525


I was instructed that with every man there are two angelic spirits at his head, by whom the Lord protects man, whose office it is to moderate and control the evil spirits who approach him, besides various other things pertaining to a man's truth and good. Those spoken of just above were, I think of this sort there are, moreover, spirits who think that they are themselves the man - one, two, or three, who are subjects of the world of spirits, upon whom their influence acts. These spirits are changed according to the general changes in the state of man, and are controlled by angelic spirits of whom they are entirely ignorant. Angelic spirits, without reflection, know no otherwise than that they are themselves the man, but the interior man, in whose interior thoughts they act - thoughts which do not fall within the consciousness of the man himself. But when reflection is given they know that they are angelic spirits. As to a change of these - whether others succeed in turn - instruction is not given. The case is similar with that of the inhabitants of Jupiter, with whom, when the chastising spirits approach, there are two angels present at the head. Thus, too, with the dead who are to be resuscitated, there are always two angels. - 1748, October 10.

Experientiae Spirituales 3525 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3525. De angelis tutantibus, et spiritibus ducentibus hominem

Instructus sum, quod penes unumquemvis hominem duo angelici spiritus sint, ad caput ejus, per quos Dominus tutatur hominem, quorum munus est, et moderari et regere spiritus malos qui alluunt, praeter alia quae ad hominis verum et bonum spectant: ii, ut reor, fuere, de quibus mox supra actum [3524]; praeterea sunt spiritus, qui putant se esse hominem, unus, duo, tres, qui sunt subjecta mundi spirituum, in quos conatus aliorum influunt, qui spiritus mutantur secundum status hominis communes mutatos qui reguntur ab angelicis spiritibus, quos ii prorsus ignorant. Angelici spiritus, absque reflexione non sciunt aliter quam quod sint homo, sed interior homo, agunt in ejus interioribus cogitationum, quae hominis cogitationem non ita veniunt; at data iis reflexione, sciunt quod spiritus angelici: de eorum mutatione, num alii per vices subeant, non ita instructus sum; quare se similiter res habet ac sicut [apud] Jovis incolas, quando spiritus castigatores veniunt, tunc duo angeli caput sunt: similiter quoque circa mortuos resuscitandos, ubi duo angeli [1097]. 1748, 10 Oct.

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