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《灵界经历》 第3553节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3553

3553. When the good and the angelic spirits had taken care of them for several hours, then they began to be somewhat enlivened and no longer to be lifeless, as it was also granted to me to see. Thus life was being instilled into them so that they would be able to be in society. They even said that thus they were in heaven, for the life that was instilled into them was their heaven.

After being cared for by good spirits throughout the night with great concern, they were heard to be adapting more and more to being in company, and it was said that they are now being inserted into societies where they are being perfected in everything related to spiritual and heavenly life. For with them there is nothing repugnant toward higher knowledge, only some resistance arising from the desire to return into their own life; but they are nevertheless initiated in one way or another, and become more obedient than others.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3553

3553. When the good and angelic spirits had thus for several hours exercised their patient care for them, they began to be somewhat vivified, and to appear no longer as such lifeless beings. When this was perceived, as also that life might be so far insinuated into them as to render them capable of being in society, they said that they were in heaven, for this insinuated life was their heaven. This careful labor was continued by the good spirits through the whole night, when I understood that they had become more and more habituated to the societies, and that they might be so united with them as to be thereby perfected in the things pertaining to spiritual and celestial life, for there was nothing repugnant in them on the score of knowledges, only that there was somewhat of a resistance arising from the strong disposition to fall back into their own [dead] life. But yet by one method and another they are initiated, and become above others obedient.

Experientiae Spirituales 3553 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3553. Cum ita spiritus boni et angelici eorum curam per aliquot horas habuerunt, tunc incipiebant quasi vivificari, nec amplius tales esse, ut exanimes essent, quod percipere etiam datum, sic quod iis insinuaretur vita ut in consortio esse possent, dicebant etiam quod ita in coelo sint, nam vita quae iis insinuata erat eorum coelum: postquam ita a bonis spiritibus per totam noctem laboratum cum magna cura, tunc auditi quod assuescerent magis et magis interesse consortiis, et dicebatur, quod sic inserantur consortiis, in quibus sic perficiuntur in iis quae ad vitam spiritualem et coelestem pertinent, nam apud eos nihil repugnans est, quoad cognitiones, modo quod renisus, quod redire in suam vitam vellent, sed usque diversimode initiantur, et prae aliis servi sunt.

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