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《灵界经历》 第3588节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3588

3588. Some above the head, some evil demons, allied several others with themselves, for they are intent upon cunningly taking my life. They said they did not suffer so much from those who thought they were so refined that they could not be affected by their persuasiveness, but who were also seized by a variety of anxieties of the kind I had felt, by means of such mergers. I know for certain, however, that if they do not desist they will then inwardly be affected and punished in a worse manner than the others. They are the kind of demons who operate cunningly in secret, watching for the opportunity.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3588

3588. Certain of the evil genii who were above the head associated with themselves several others, for they are intent upon craftily taking my life. They said those did not suffer in this manner from them who think themselves to be so subtle that they cannot be affected by their persuasive principle, though they were still liable, as was in some measure perceived by me, to be seized with various anxieties growing out of such strict conjunctions. I knew, however, by positive assurance, that if they did not desist they would be inwardly affected and punished worse than others. Such are the genii who eagerly watch for an occasion of acting in this clandestinely deceitful manner.

Experientiae Spirituales 3588 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3588. Quidam supra caput nempe genii mali, associabant sibi aliquot, nam persistunt dolose mihi vitam adimere; ii dicebant, quod non ita passi ab iis, qui putant se ita subtiles esse ut non ab eorum persuasivo possint affici, sed quod etiam correpti varia anxietate, aliqualiter mihi perceptum, per conglutinationes; pro certo sciens, si non desistant, quod interius sic pejus aliis afficiantur et puniantur. Sunt genii tales, qui incognito dolose agunt, inhiantes occasioni.

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