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《灵界经历》 第361节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 361

361. Daily one should pray for the heavenly kingdom - and thus, What is meant by "daily".

By "daily" in the Lord's Prayer is meant every moment, and this can be confirmed by experience, and thus understood.

For those to whom eternal happiness has been shown believe they have been at once transferred to heaven, thus that they, having come out of temptations, must be eternal heirs of the Kingdom - they who have labored in the vineyard and believed they were entitled to eternal salvation, which they then claim as theirs. Yet just the opposite was shown, namely that they were again plunged into crises, temptations, dangers of damnation, and the like.

One may conclude from this that "daily" means at each moment in sequence, one after another, but when in their order one within another, this [sequence of moments] is turned into an uninterrupted glorification of God the Messiah, so that the moments are continuous, without any division. Hence they have an inner sense of [states of] happiness, and it is their portion to receive these constantly from God the Messiah. 1747, the 17th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 361


By "daily" in the Lord's prayer is meant every moment, which can be confirmed by experience, and thus be understood; namely, that those to whom eternal happiness is shown suppose that they have been at once carried away into heaven; so those who have come out of temptations suppose that thus they have become the eternal heirs of the Kingdom; those who have labored in the vineyard also suppose that thus they ought to have eternal salvation, which they hence attribute to themselves. The contrary, however, is shown to them, namely, that they are again cast into dangers, into temptations, into perils and the like, on account of damnation. Hence it can be concluded, that "daily" signifies every moment in things successive, but in their simultaneous things, however, this is changed into a continuous glorification of God Messiah, so that the moments are continuous without differentiation; hence their perception and felicities and their [belief] that they continually receive this from God Messiah. 1747, Dec. 17. 1


1. The entry in the Index (s.v. Felicitas) is: "What daily' signifies in the Lord's Prayer. That those who trust in themselves are admitted into heaven, and afterwards let down into damnation; this takes place in the beginning for a longer period of time, and afterwards they are turned into shorter periods; hence their happiness together with perception."

Experientiae Spirituales 361 (original Latin 1748-1764)

361. Quod quotidie supplicandum de regno coelesti et sic quid "quotidie"

Per "quotidie" in oratione Dominica intelligitur omne momentum, quod experientia confirmari potest, et sic intelligi, nempe quod quibus felicitas aeterna ostensa est, ii putant, quod illico translati sint in coelum, sic qui a tentationibus venerunt, quod sic aeterni haeredes Regni forent, qui laborarunt in vinea, et putarunt sic deberi iis aeternam salutem, quam sibi inde attribuunt, cum tamen contrarium ostensum est, nempe quod iterum in discrimina conjecti sint, in tentationes, in pericula pro damnatione, et similia: inde concludi potest, quod "quotidie" significet omne momentum in successivis, at vero in eorum simultaneis, vertitur id in continuam glorificationem Dei Messiae, sic ut momenta sint continua, absque discrimine, inde [iis] perceptio et felicitates, et eorum quod jugiter id accipiant a Deo Messia. 1747, die 17 Dec.

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