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《灵界经历》 第3622节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3622

3622. The evil cannot even see what evil is, or what good is

It was granted me to ask deceitful and evil spirits whether they know what evil is, to which question they were unable to reply, for I realized that they imagine the evil in them is not evil, but good, because they place themselves before all others and all goodness - thus not evil - in self-love and love of the world. Therefore neither are they able to see evil, supposing everything in themselves to be good.

I was given to ask them whether they know what good is, and they could not reply to this, either, for they imagine what is truly good to be evil, this being the reason why they so persecute goodness: and I realized that it is impossible for goodness to be seen from evil, but [it is seen] from goodness, because what good is and what evil can be seen from the Lord. Hence the conclusion was reached that although they imagine themselves wiser than the rest, they know nothing. 1748, 20 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3622


It was permitted to inquire of deceitful and evil spirits, if they knew what evil is, to which they were not able to reply; for it was perceived, that they do not think the evil which is in them to be evil, but good, because they prefer themselves to all, and place all good in the love of self and the love of the world, and do not consider it as evil; wherefore they cannot see evil, thinking that whatever is in them is good. They were asked whether they knew what good is; nor could they reply to this, for they think, that what is truly good is evil, wherefore they persecute good. It was perceived that good cannot be seen from evil; but that from good, because from the Lord, may be seen both what is good and what is evil. Hence it was concluded, that although such spirits think themselves wiser than others, they, nevertheless, know nothing. - 1748, October 20.

Experientiae Spirituales 3622 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3622. Quod mali ne quidem videre possint quid malum, aut quid bonum

Spiritus dolosos et malos interrogare datum, num sciant quid malum, ad quod non potuerunt respondere, nam perceptum, quod malum apud se putent non malum, sed bonum, quia se praeferunt omnibus, et in amore sui et amore mundi ponunt omne bonum, ita non malum, quare nec malum videre possunt, quicquid in se putantes esse bonum: interrogare illos datum, num sciant quid bonum, ad hoc nec respondere poterant, nam putant vere bonum esse malum, quare ita persequuntur bonum, et perceptum quod ex malo videri bonum nequeat: sed ex bono, quia a Domino, videri potest quid bonum et quid malum. Inde concludebatur, quod tametsi se putant sapientiores reliquis, quod nihil sciant. 1748, 20 Oct.

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