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《灵界经历》 第3640节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3640

3640. The evil ones in the inward realm cannot be looked into by the angels, for if they are they turn into snakes and other dreadful [animals and] insects. So there is no communication of them with heaven, nor with the grand human being, except an outer one, i.e. they are ruled by an inflow of external things by the Lord. This external thing is like the human intellect, which is external, spoken of elsewhere [3209]. Therefore heaven is closed to them. This also shows that their mental imagery is of the kind I had seen several times while in a state of wakefulness and of sleep, that is, tied, so to speak, to various objects. Thus they are fantasies that are indescribable, for they cannot reach the grasp of a human being without experience. Indeed, they were attached to filthy and obscene objects. Thus they think like the raving and insane, not knowing at all what they are thinking, enveloped in darkness.

Such are the principal thoughts of the evil ones in the lower realm, yet they are kept in bonds, like those overhead, so that nothing flows in from them but what is permitted. The deceitful, and even more the very deceitful, are entirely removed, so that they cannot communicate except from very far off.

3640. 1/2. It is otherwise in the case of angelic spirits. Because they are in the grand human being, they see and think from within when heaven has been opened to them. Therefore their mental imagery consists of most beautiful and most enjoyable displays, together with wisdom and intelligence, thus in clear light. 1748, 21 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3640

3640. The evil who are in an interior sphere, cannot be inspected by the angels, for they are thus turned into serpents, and various horrid insects [or reptiles], wherefore they have none but an external communication with heaven or with the Grand Man. They are ruled from the Lord by an influx of externals, which external is much the same as the intellectual of man, and that this is external we have already observed elsewhere; wherefore heaven is closed to them. Hence also it may appear that their ideas are such as I have sometimes noticed, both in a state of wakefulness and of sleep, that is, ideas bound, as it were, to various objects. Thus they are phantasies which cannot be described, for, without experience, they transcend the conception of man; and they are bound, indeed, to things filthy and obscene; thus they think like persons insane and raving, knowing nothing what they think, thus [enveloped] in darkness. Such are the principles of the thoughts of evil spirits of an inferior sphere; but yet, like those above the head, they are held in bonds, so that nothing may flow in from them, except what is permitted. From the deceitful, and still more from the extremely deceitful, they [being liable to their influence] are entirely removed, so that they may not be able to communicate except very remotely. - 1748, October 21.

3640 1/2. It is otherwise with the angelic spirits. They, inasmuch as they are in the Grand Man, perceive and think from an interior ground, when heaven is opened to them; wherefore also their ideas are most beautiful and delightful representations, and [being conjoined] with wisdom and intelligence, they are in the [clearest] light. - 1748, October 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 3640 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3640. Mali qui in interiori sphaera sunt, ab angelis non possunt inspici, nam sic vertuntur in serpentes, et dira alia [animalia et] insecta, quare non communicatio est eorum cum coelo, nec cum maximo homine, nisi externa, per externorum influxum reguntur a Domino, quod externum se habet sicut intellectuale hominis, quod externum est, de quo alibi [3209] ; quare coelum iis clausum est; inde quoque / constare potest, quod eorum ideae sint quales in statu vigiliae somni quandoque viderim, alligatae variis objectis, ita sunt phantasiae quae describi nequeunt, nam captum hominis absque experientia venire nequeunt; quidem alligatae objectis spurcis obscoenis; sic cogitant sicut deliri insani, nihil scientes quid cogitant, ita in tenebris. Talia sunt principia cogitationum malorum inferioris sphaerae; sed usque tenentur in vinculis ita, sicut qui supra caput, ut nihil influat ab iis, quam quod permittitur; dolosi, magis dolosissimi removentur prorsus, ut non communicare possint nisi remotissime. 3640 1/2. Aliter autem spiritus angelici; quia in maximo homine, ab interiori percipiunt cogitant, cum iis apertum est coelum; quare etiam eorum ideae sunt repraesentationes pulcherrimae jucundissimae; cum sapientia intelligentia, ita in lucido. 1748, 21 Oct.

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