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《灵界经历》 第3646节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3646

3646. About a most resplendent whiteness

These appeared a most resplendent whiteness, like a flame coming from the wood, in a dark fireplace. This symbolized what the intelligence of the angels is like compared to the intelligence of lower spirits. The darkness of the fireplace is comparatively the intelligence of lower spirits, and together with intelligence, everything making up intelligence. The Resplendence radiating like the brightest flame symbolized what is spiritual, while the flaming something mentioned above [3629] symbolizes what is heavenly.

It was also said that such a light exists with the angels, or that they live in such a light, and see one another as if in the brightest daylight, in comparison with which the Light of the earth coming form the sun is nothing. For just as candlelight is extinguished by intense Sunlight, so that it is not seen, so the noonday light of the sun is extinguished by that Light, so the light of the sun is comparatively shadow. Like the Light, everything related to light belongs to their intelligence. 1748, 22 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3646


There appeared something resplendently white, resembling in a degree a flame of fire, but not such as is caused by a wood fire in a chimney, which comparatively obscure; and by it was signified the quality of the intelligence of the angels compared with that of the inferior spirits. The obscure of the chimney is comparatively the intelligence of the lower order of spirits, and according to the intelligence are all the things pertaining to intelligence. Such a lucid appearance darting forth like a flame of the purest white, signifies what is spiritual; when of the [reddish] flaming hue before described, that which is celestial. It was said also that the light with the angels is such, or that they live in such a light, and mutually behold each other in it as in the brightest day - a light in comparison with which the light of the earth from the sun is nothing; for as the light of a candle is extinguished by the intense light of the sun, and disappears, so the meridian light of the sun is eclipsed by this; wherefore the light of the sun is comparatively shade; and as it is with the light, so also with everything that is said of the light, that is, of their intelligence. - 1748, October 22.

Experientiae Spirituales 3646 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3646. De candido lucidissimo

Visum candidum lucidissimum, sicut flamma non a lignis, in Camino, obscuro, quo significabatur qualis intelligentia angelorum est respective ad intelligentiam spirituum inferiorum, obscurum Camini est respective intelligentia spirituum inferiorum, et cum intelligentia, sunt omnia quae sunt intelligentiae, Lucidum tale evibratum instar flammae candidissimae significat spirituale; cum flammeum de quo prius [3629], coeleste. Etiam dictum quod apud angelos talis est lux, seu quod in tali luce vivant, seque mutuo videant, sicut in die lucidissimo, cujus respectu Lux telluris a sole nihil est, nam sicut lux candelae exstinguitur a Luce solis intensa, ut non appareat, ita lux meridiana solis, ab hac Luce; quare lux solis est respective umbra; similiter ac Lux etiam omne quod dicitur lucis, hoc est intelligentia eorum. 1748, 22 Oct.

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