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《灵界经历》 第3647节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3647

3647. About holiness

There was a certain one from among the deceitful or sirens very high overhead. I noticed that he was new from his deceit, which was greater and more intense than the deceit of the others, for he followed my thoughts and displays, to which he was trying to join his own, which concerned adultery, and as it appeared to me, of quite a subtle kind. From this I learned that he was a new deceiver in their company. So I was prompted to look into those who, because they seemed to themselves to be on high also seem to themselves to appear small to me. One fantasy produces another.

When he was discovered, they wanted him to depart from their company, for they are fearful of being cast down, but they were unable to [drive him away]. He then appeared in their midst, small, encircled by a holy aura as is customary in their temples, where the Lord is pictured thus with rays of light. This showed his character, that he was the kind to boast himself as the Lord on earth, and that he had been a pontiff.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3647

3647. CONCERNING HOLINESS [De Sanctitatibus].

There was a certain spirit among the deceitful or the sirens, elevated somewhat high above the head. That he was a novitiate was observed from the character of his deceit, which was greater and more intense than that of the rest, for he followed my thoughts and representations, to which he endeavored to add his own, which were of adultery, and that, as appeared to me, in a very subtle manner. I thence learned that he was a fresh deceiver in their ranks, wherefore it was given me to inspect those who seemed to themselves to be on high, and for this reason appeared small to themselves, as they also did to me, for one phantasy, produces another. When the person above mentioned was detected, they wished him to withdraw from their fellowship; for they were fearful for themselves lest they should be cast down; but they could not [effect his removal], for he appeared in the midst of them, small [like themselves], and surrounded with a sphere of holiness, like that which is seen in their temples, where the Lord is thus represented in pictures, encompassed with rays of light. Hence it may appear that he was of such a quality as to boast himself of being the Lord on earth, thus that he had been a pontiff.

Experientiae Spirituales 3647 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3647. De sanctitatibus

Quidam inter dolosos seu sirenes supra caput altius, erat, quod novus animadversum ex ejus dolo, qui major et intensior erat quam dolus eorum, nam sequebatur cogitationes meas et repraesentationes, quibus adjungere conabatur suas, quae erant adulterii, et ut mihi apparuit admodum subtilis, inde cognovi, quod novus dolosus in eorum consortio esset, quare dabatur inspicere eos, qui quia sibi videntur in alto, etiam sibi videntur, quod mihi appareant parvi, phantasia una alteram producit, cum detectus, volebant ii ut e consortio eorum exiret, timentes enim sui sunt, ne dejiciantur, sed non potuerunt, apparuit tunc in medio eorum, parvus, circumcinctus sphaera sancta, ut solent in eorum templis, ubi Dominus ita cum lucis radiis pingitur, inde constare potuit, quod talis esset, qui se pro Domino in terra venditaret, ita quod fuerit pontifex.

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