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《灵界经历》 第3657节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3657

3657. In what manner he subdues those in the inward realm of spirits, and forces them to worship him as a god, was also shown. First that pontiff who had recently been with me [3647-3652], came among them again, who had been overhead, as I realized, and was now with David, who wanted to make him obedient to himself and to worship him as a god. (For David had previously declared himself a god, when he was in the highest, in a manner that was seen and displayed, namely that those who did not acknowledge him as god in that highest place he would cast down headlong - one I saw who was cast down as if head first, the head spinning around like a drill, but with only the hair showing, not the body.

[2] It then issued from his fantasies that he was carrying the Lord down into the lower earth, to be detained there. This was his character when he came to the highest and declared himself god). 1And because the pontiffs on earth also declare themselves as god, he spoken of earlier was brought together with David, because the pontiff was of the conviction that he was god, and David likewise that he was god. They contended with each other in that persuasion. But David prevailed, because he was not only of that conviction, but also steeped in cruelty and the consequent persuasion of conquest. Since there were two of that conviction, they contended, and when the pontiff was unwilling to yield, David heard, or rather realized, that he professed Christ (they are permitted to name Christ, but not the Lord); then because he was steeped in that cruel persuasion, he treated this man by his method, as he did the gentiles,


1. In the left hand margin at this point the following notation appears:

They appeared small because they were in the highest, and David acted quickly, because that fantasy had become familiar to him.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3657

3657. It was likewise shown in what manner he brings into subjection those that are in the interior sphere of spirits, and enforces their reverence of himself as a god. In the first place, the pontiff, who was lately with me, came again among those who are above the head, as was perceived, and he was then with David, who wished to reduce him to submission, and to the acknowledgment of his claims as a god - (for David had previously proclaimed himself a god when on high, and his state of mind in this conceit was visibly represented by his hurling those down headlong who refused to acknowledge him as a god while in that lofty elevation; and he who appeared to me as if thus cast down head foremost, seemed to whirl [or spin] round like [the motion of] an auger, though only his [whirling] hair, and not his body, came into view. It then seemed to issue from his phantasy that he might transfer the Lord to the lower earth, where he would be retained: such is his quality when he ascends on high, and proclaims himself a god.) And because the pontiffs also declare themselves [each] God on earth, he of whom I have spoken before came in conflict with David; for as both he and David were each in the persuasion of being a god, they strove against each other in consequence of the opposing sphere of their persuasions; but David prevailed, because he was not only in persuasion, but also in cruelty, and thus in the persuasion of bringing into subjection. Such therefore being their twofold persuasions, there was a collision between them; and when the pontiff refused to yield, David heard or perceived that he would profess Christ, (:for it is not permitted them to name the Lord, but Christ:) he then, because in the persuasion of cruelty, dealt with him in his peculiar mode, as with the heathen, namely, by casting them down and setting their heads a whirling by phantasy, of which the pontiff complained. 1


1. Note on the lateral margin - "They appeared small because raised to a very great height, and David acted quickly, because it was done from a phantasy familar to him."

Experientiae Spirituales 3657 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3657. Quomodo eos qui in interiori spirituum sphaera sunt subjugat, et se ut deum coli adigit, quoque ostensum est, primum is pontifex qui apud me nuper [3647-3652], iterum inter eos venit, qui supra caput, quod perceptum est, tunc cum Davide erat, qui eum ad sui obsequium voluit adigere, ut se pro deo coleret, (nam David se prius pro deo declaravit, cum in altissimo, quod visum et repraesentatum quomodo se habuit, nempe [quod eos,] qui non agnoscerent eum pro deo in altissimo eo, dejiceret praecipites, unus mihi visus qui quasi dejectus capite deorsum, quod rotabatur circum sicut terebra, sed modo crinitum apparet, non corpus: tunc ex phantasia ejus prodiit, quod Dominum in terram inferiorum deferret, ut ibi teneretur; talis est cum in altissimo venit seque pro deo declaravit): et quia pontifices etiam se pro deo declarant in terra, is de quo prius, cum Davide commissus erat; quia pontifex in persuasione erat, quod deus; et David quoque quod deus, uterque persuasione unius contra alterum, certabant; sed David vicit, quia non solum in persuasione, sed in crudelitate sic in persuasione subjugandi; cum binae tales persuasiones esset, certabant, cumque cedere nollet pontifex, audivit seu percepit David quod profiteretur Christum (non Dominum sed Christum nominare iis permittitur) tunc quia in persuasione crudelitatis, eum suo modo sicut gentes tractabat, 1


1. Sidebar: Parvi apparebant, quia in altissimo, et cito peragebat David, quia ea phantasia ei familiari facta

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