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《灵界经历》 第3662节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3662

3662. What kind of breathing and enjoyment accompany the persuasion of the pontiffs that they are gods, and that they utter all things from the imagined promptings of the holy spirit, was explained and communicated to me, thus when they sit in consistory considering everything they declare to be divine. That pontiff was with me in a like state of mind, when he was sitting in consistory and imagined whatever he uttered to be divine. I felt a breathing within my chest that was free, together with a pleasant sensation, and slow, but regular, the respiration being an indication that he is in that state. For it is slow, regular, then deep, expanding the chest to the top, freely, delightfully, with conviction that what he is bringing forth is Divine.

[2] And when anything he utters is contradicted, or when anything is advanced by another that ought to be approved, then, because it is not from himself, he feels a rolling and creeping sensation in the abdomen, which was also communicated to me. And when he considers an opinion he is pronouncing to be Divine, he feels this also from a type of breathing more silent, and as it were consenting.

That the pontiffs in consistory are as described was confirmed to them, and they at once admitted that they are as described, acknowledging that when they were pontiffs, they had been like that.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3662

3662. What kind of respiration, and thence delightfulness, accompanies the persuasion of the pontiffs that they are gods, and utter everything from the fancied prompting of the Holy Spirit, was shown and communicated, as, for instance, when they sit in conclave, and regard everything which they say as divine. The pontiff above mentioned was with me, in the state in which he was when sitting in conclave, and supposing that everything he spoke was divine. A pleasant respiration was perceived within the breast, free, slow, and regular, which respiration implied that he was in such a state, for it is [then] slow, regular, and deep, freely expanding itself to the upper region of the breast, with a delightfulness from the persuasion that what he utters is divine. When anything [uttered by himself] is contradicted, as also when anything is advanced by another which he sees is to be approved, inasmuch as it originates not with himself he then perceives something rolling and creeping in the abdomen, which was also communicated to me; and when he thinks any opinion he pronounces to be divine, he perceives it also from a certain respiration more tacit, and, as it were, consenting. That such is the quality of the pontiffs when in conclave, was also confirmed by themselves. They are under the left foot. The things [above stated] were communicated [by interaction] with them, who immediately confessed it, acknowledging that when pontiffs they were such.

Experientiae Spirituales 3662 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3662. Qualem respirationem et inde jucunditatem secum habeat persuasio pontificum, quod dii sint, et quod ex spiritu sancto omnia loqui se putent, mihi ostensum et communicatum, ita cum in consistorio sedent, et omnia quae dicunt, sicut divinum putant: erat pontifex is apud me, in tali statu, in quo cum sederet in consistorio, et divinum esse quicquid loquitur, putans, sentita respiratio intra pectus libera cum jucunditate, et lenta, sic regularis, quae respiratio secum habet, quod sit in statu tali, nam lenta est, regularis, sic alta, expandit ad summum pectus cum libertate, cum amaenitate ex persuasione quod Divinum quod profert; et cum aliquid contradicitur, ut et cum aliquid ab alio prodit, quod approbandum, quia non a semet, tunc in abdomine sentit aliquid se volvens et repens, quod etiam mecum communicatum; et cum putat esse Divinum, cum sententiam aliquam pronuntiat, [hoc] percipit quoque ex quadam respiratione magis tacita, et quasi consentiente; quod tales essent pontifices in consistorio, etiam ab iis confirmatum, sunt sub sinistro pede, et communicata ea cum iis, qui illico fassi, quod tales sint, agnoscentes sic quod dum pontifices, tales fuerint.

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