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《灵界经历》 第3663节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3663

3663. It occurred to me that they would therefore easily be controlled, because it was done simply by the sensation of breathing which they imagine to be an inner one and to be the operation of the holy spirit. But it was said that this was not easy, because they are enveloped in a contrary persuasion. So I was shown by whom they are ruled, namely, by those overhead, called sirens, who steal into feelings of every kind so they can take charge and destroy, spoken of earlier [3647]. They strive after nothing more eagerly than to slip in through feelings and lusts so as to take over and destroy, but they are very afraid of rushing in except at the right moments, knowing that they may be thrust down. They are more cunning than other spirits, and high priests are ruled by such when they become pontiffs. Because they are contrary to every love, they are inwardly worse than others, for which reason a more severe and long lasting hell awaits them, even though they think because they are wary not to do evil except at given occasions, this is not so. But because order has been turned upside down with them and they abuse feelings with a destructive motive, therefore they rush to destruction and cruelty, given the opportunity. Such therefore are the pontiffs, and those who are closest to them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3663

3663. The impression came into my mind that thus they might be easily ruled, because [it was done] solely through the sense of respiration, which they think to be internal and the operation of the Holy Spirit; but it was said that it is not easy, because they are in a contrary persuasion. It was therefore shown to me by whom they are governed, namely, by those above the head, who are called sirens, who insinuate themselves into all kinds of affections, that they may be able to rule and to destroy, concerning whom we have already spoken. They study nothing else than to insinuate themselves by means of affections and cupidities for the sake of rule and destruction, and yet they greatly fear to rush forwards except on fitting occasions, for they know that they will then be thrust down. They are more deceitful than others, yet by such the pontiffs, when made pontiffs, are governed. Inasmuch as they are contrary to every love, they are intrinsically worse than others, and therefore a severe and more lasting hell awaits them, although they think that because they are wary, and do not evil unless when occasion offers, the case may not be so; but because order is perverted among them, so that they abuse affections to a destructive end, they thus upon occasion rush into balefulness and cruelty. Such, therefore, are the pontiffs and those that are nearest to them.

Experientiae Spirituales 3663 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3663. Veniebat in animum meum, quod sic facile regerentur, quia solum per respirationis sensum, quem putant internum et spiritus sancti operationem, sed dictum quod non facile, quia in persuasione contraria sunt; quare ostensum mihi, a quibus reguntur, nempe ab iis qui supra caput, qui sirenes dicti, qui nempe insinuant se in affectiones quascunque ut possint imperare et perdere, de quibus prius [3647]; ii nihil aliud student, quam ut per affectiones cupiditates se insinuent causa imperandi perdendi timent valde nisi data occasione, irruere, nam sciunt, quod tunc detrudantur; sunt dolosiores aliis, a talibus reguntur pontifices, cum pontifices facti; quia contrarii sunt amori cuicunque, pejores intrinsecus aliis, quos ideo manet infernum gravius diutius, tametsi putant quia cauti, nec malum faciunt nisi data occasione, quod ita non sit, sed quia perversus apud eos ordo est, ut abutantur affectionibus perdendum, ideo in perniciem crudelitatem ruunt, data occasione; tales itaque sunt pontifices ii qui apud eos proximi.

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