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《灵界经历》 第3664节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3664

3664. I noticed that above those whom David struggled up to join, are still more refined spirits, for David is able, due to the fact that spirits spoke through him in bodily life, to struggle up to them. I realized that these are the ones who also rule the spirits now under discussion, who are more cunning than others, and are sirens, because they are above them. Whether they are from this planet, I do not know, or whether they are from those on other planets through whom spirits spoke, as they did through David, and are at the same time in the opposites to marriage love. They do not appear, but flow into the left eye - as they did just now also when I was beginning to write were causing some pain, not wanting to be detected, as they like to practice their tricks in the most secret manner. 1748, 23 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3664

3664. It was observed that above those to whom David strove to come, there were spirits still more subtle, for David is of such a quality from spirits having spoken through him while he lived in the body, that he is able by effort to come to them. It was moreover perceived also that they are those who rule the spirits now spoken of as being more deceitful than others, and called sirens, because they are above them. Whether they are from this earth or from those in other earths through whom spirits speak as they did through David, and are at the same time in contrariety to conjugial love, I know not. They do not clearly appear, but they flow into the left eye, into which, even now also while I am beginning to write, they strike a degree of pain. They are averse to being detected, as they wish to practice their deceits in the most clandestine manner. -l748, October 23.

Experientiae Spirituales 3664 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3664. Observatum quod supra eos, ad quos David enisus, sint spiritus adhuc subtiliores, nam David talis est, ex eo quod spiritus per eum in vita corporis loquuti, ut ad eos eniti queat, perceptum quod ii sint, qui regunt quoque spiritus istos de quibus nunc, quod dolosiores aliis, et quod sirenes, quia supra eos, num ex hac tellure non scio, vel num ex iis in aliis telluribus, per quos spiritus, sicut per Davidem loquuti, et simul in contrariis amori conjugiali sunt; non apparent, sed influunt in oculum sinistrum, cui nunc quoque, cum inciperem scribere, aliquid doloris incutiebant, non volentes ut detegerentur, nam in occultissimo volunt dolis fallere. 1748, 23 Oct.

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