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《灵界经历》 第3665节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3665

3665. These spirits, including David, although they appear so sharp among the evil ones that they are in the highest, are nevertheless duller than all the rest, for in the aura of the good they become more excremental, even more cadaverous, than others, consequently duller than all others. This was told to David, then to them. For what is grosser than such dunghills, which he has smelled and which he knows? This was said just now to David and those in the highest. 1748, 23 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3665

3665. That such spirits, as well as David also, although he seems so acute among the evil as to make them fancy themselves in the loftiest height, are yet more gross than all the rest [was clearly perceived]; for in the sphere of the good they become more excrementitious, yea, more cadaverous, than others, consequently they are more gross than all others; which was also said to David and thus to them; for what is more gross than such offal, the quality of which he perceived, and knew? This is now said to David, and to those in the highest altitude. - 1748, October 23.

Experientiae Spirituales 3665 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3665. Tales, sicut etiam David, tametsi ita acuti videantur inter malos, ut in altissimo sint, usque sunt reliquis omnibus crassiores, nam in sphaera bonorum fiunt plus excrementitii, imo cadaverosi quam alii, proinde omnibus sunt crassiores; quod Davidi et sic iis dictum. Quid enim crassius est excrementis talibus, quae sensit, et quae novit? hoc nunc dictum Davidi et iis in altissimo. 1748, 23 Oct.

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