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《灵界经历》 第3667节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3667

3667. But they countered that the objects vary, now there is this one, now that, at once moving the thought. But to this I was prompted to reply that such things are just happenings, consequently belonging to the Providence of the Lord, which can never be fathomed. Doubts can be stirred up against them to eternity, and still the truth remains that they are happenings, thus of the Lord's Providence. Yet they wanted to know and thus remove the doubts, but were told they can never be removed to eternity without countless new ones taking their place: and since this was their nature, the very least scruple before their eyes would cause them to see nothing. When this was demonstrated they also affirmed it. For the least particle of dust before the pupil will blind the eye. 1748, 23 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3667

3667. But they objected that objects are various, now this and now that, which severally excite at once the thought. But to this it was given to reply, that such things are contingent, consequently of the Lord's providence, which can never be fathomed; that scruples might be raised against them to eternity, and yet the truth remains that they are contingent, and thus of the Divine Providence. But they wished to know, and thus to remove scruples, but it was said to them that they could never be removed to eternity, because new indeterminates would succeed; and so long as they were such [as they were] the least scruple before their eyes would cause them to see nothing; which they also affirmed when the thing was shown to then; for the smallest particle of dust before the pupil of the eye will blind the vision. - l748, October 23.

Experientiae Spirituales 3667 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3667. At objecerunt, quod objecta varia sint, nunc hoc nunc illud, quod illico cogitationem movet; sed ad ea respondere datum, quod talia sint contingentia, proinde providentiae Domini, quae nusquam penetrari potest, contra illa scrupuli moveri possent in aeternum, et usque manet veritas, quod contingentia sint, ita Providentiae Domini; sed volebant scire, et sic removere scrupulos, quibus dictum, quod in aeternum removeri nequeant, quin nova indefinita succederent; et cum tales, tunc minimus scrupulus, ante oculos, faceret ut nihil videant, quod cum ostensum, etiam affirmabant: nam minimus pulvisculus ante pupillam oculi occoecat. 1748, 23 Oct.

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