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《灵界经历》 第3669节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3669

3669. Finally the spirits were told that those who fashion such objections, so that unless they know all things even to the least details, they do not believe, have no other desire and intention than to destroy, thus that this emanates from their evil and cunning nature, the same nature that prompts them to want to destroy and to kill for their own sake. For this is the result when they raise such objections, namely that they are trying to destroy truths, consequently everything supportive of truth. If they would be different, then they would desire only to confirm the truths of the Lord. 1748, 23 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3669

3669. At length it was said to spirits, that those who formed to themselves such objections that they will not believe unless upon an exact knowledge of everything in its details, really desire and intend only to destroy, thus that the disposition [to object] comes forth from their evil and deceitful nature - the same nature which prompts them to destroy and kill everyone for the sake of themselves for this is a consequence from such kinds of objections, that they wish to destroy truths, thence whatever things are of truth; if they should be of a different character, they would then desire only to confirm the truths of the Lord. - l748, October 23.

Experientiae Spirituales 3669 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3669. Tandem spiritibus dictum, quod, qui tales objectiones sibi formant, ut nisi sciant omnia et singula, non credant, non aliter cupiant et intendant, quam destruere, sic quod ex natura eorum mala et dolosa exeat, eadem qua destruere et interficere quemcunque cupiant, sui causa, nam id consequens est, dum talia ita objiciant, quod destruere velint veritates, proinde quaecunque sunt veritatis; si alii forent, tunc solum confirmare veritates Domini desiderarent. 1748, 23 Oct.

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