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《灵界经历》 第3670节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3670

3670. There are many other such general reflections of people, like seeing things unknown to them, and like every desire, whether it be petty, light, intense, it is a general something governing objects of the sight, and governing the speech. These would have to be reduced to kinds and species for any idea to be had of them. The desire of eating causes one to look at whatever one sees as to whether it should be purchased for consumption, other things not being seen except faintly, not being reflected upon for any other reason than the general reflections spoken of above, and others.

[2] Then a general mental image that strongly attracts the eyes is that of women. When this prevails, then everything feminine that he imagines to be of that kind, he looks at, fixes his thought on, and then passes into a general mental image of thought about them, or an inward one. Other people he then very slightly looks at, and without reflection except from the common reflections spoken of above, and many more.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3670

3670. There are many other common things of this nature pertaining to man, as that he should see what is unknown to him, also every species of cupidity, whether faint, light, or intense, is a certain common [principle] governing the objects of sight and the speech. These would have to be reduced to genera and species, in order that any kind of [distinct] idea may be had of them. Thus the desire of eating causes that whatever he sees, he should consider whether it is to be purchased for use. Other things he sees only as in obscurity, without reflecting upon them on any other account than that of the common considerations mentioned above and elsewhere. Thus a common idea which greatly attracts the eyes is that of women, which while it predominates it regards everything feminine as being naturally of such a quality as he supposes, and his thought is fixed upon these things, and thus passes over to the common idea of thought concerning them, or of interior thought; and other [qualities] he then but very slightly regards, and without reflection, except from the common [promptings] mentioned above and in many other places.

Experientiae Spirituales 3670 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3670. Communia talia hominis sunt plura alia, [sicut] quod videat, quae ei ignota, et ut omnis cupiditas, [sive] exigua, levis, intensa, est commune quoddam regens objecta visus, et loquelam; quae in genera et species redigenda forent, ut eorum idea aliqualis haberi queat: ut cupiditas edendi facit ut quicquid videt, spectet num emendum ad usum; caetera non videt aliter ac in obscuro, absque reflexione propter aliam causam, quam propter communia de quibus mox prius, et aliis, sic idea communis quae multum trahit oculos, est faeminarum, quae dum regnat, quicquid faemininum talis generis, ut putat, spectat, et cogitatio figitur in iis, sic transit ad ideam communem cogitationis de iis, seu interiorem; caeteros tunc levissime spectat, et absque reflexione, praeter ex communibus, de quibus prius, et pluribus.

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