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《灵界经历》 第3671节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3671

3671. I have observed that when spirits are enveloped in some general mental image, they then likewise call forth all the objects they come across in my memory and apply them in the same way as a person on earth applies objects of sight or of speech of another. This went at first unnoticed by me, but it has happened so often that I hardly think it could be expressed in numbers. Whatever objects of my memory they then met with were just so many vessels, which are applied to their mental imagery according to the quality of the vessels or mental images present, and according to their general mental image and its quality - thus diversely according to their characters, and so on. This was shown me.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3671

3671. It was observed that spirits, while they are in any common [or general] idea, do then, in like manner, call forth all the objects which occur in my memory, and apply them similarly as a man does the objects of sight, or of the speech of another, and this was at first unnoticed by me, but it has so often happened, that I think the number of times can scarcely be reckoned. Whatever objects of my own memory they then discovered were so many vessels, which are applied to their ideas according to the quality of the vessels or ideas at the time, and also according to their common idea and its quality, thus diversely according to their natures, and so on. This was shown me.

Experientiae Spirituales 3671 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3671. Observatum, cum spiritus in communi aliqua idea sunt, tunc similiter evocant omnia objecta, quae obveniunt in memoria mea, et applicant similiter, ac homo objecta visus, aut loquelae alterius, et hoc inobservatum a me prius, at tam saepe hoc factum, ut vix rear posse in numeris ferre, quae objecta tunc memoriae meae offenderunt, fuerunt totidem vasa, quae applicantur eorum ideis secundum qualitatem vasorum seu idearum tunc, tum secundum communem eorum ideam, et ejus qualitatem, ita diversimode secundum eorum naturas; et sic porro: hoc mihi ostensum.

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