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《灵界经历》 第3672节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3672

3672. It was shown how the Lord reordered the objects of my sight, whence the beautiful and pleasant displays before the angels, spoken of earlier [2784, 3668]. These did not flow from my objects so as to be arranged and joined together according to the objects, as I had supposed, but it was the displays that arranged and selected objects, so many and so diverse, which then served as vessels. So the objects came from the displays, not the displays from the objects, and whatsoever it pleased the Lord to portray would indeed appear, so that the eye or eyesight was directed to such as could serve as vessels, which were then determined both by portrayals, indirectly, and by the Lord by other ways. 1748, 24 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3672

3672. [I perceived also] that the Lord thus reduced to order the objects of my sight, and thence the beautiful and pleasant representations before the angels, above spoken of, did not flow from my objects, that thus [the representations] should be directed and connected according to the objects, as I supposed, but it was the representations which directed and determined the objects, numerous and various as they were, and which thus become vessels. The objects therefore flowed from the representations, and not the representations from the objects: Thus whatever the Lord saw fit to represent, still it would happen, that the eye, or the sight of the eye, would be directed to such things as could be vessels, which at the same time were determined mediately [i.e. by the representations] then by the Lord through other methods. - 1748, October 24.

Experientiae Spirituales 3672 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3672. Quod Dominus ita in ordinem redegerit objecta visus mei, [ostensum,] et inde repraesentationes pulchrae et amaenae coram angelis, de quibus prius [2784, 3668], non fluebant ex objectis meis, ut sic dirigerentur et connecterentur secundum objecta, sicut opinatus, sed erant repraesentationes, quae dirigebant objecta, tam multa et varia, et determinabant ea, quae sic vasa fuere, ita objecta fluebant a repraesentationibus, non repraesentationes ab objectis; ita quodcunque usque dignatus fuisset Dominus repraesentare, usque fieret, quod oculus seu visus oculi dirigeretur ad talia, quae potuerunt esse vasa, quae simul tunc repraesentationibus, mediate, tum a Domino, per alias vias, determinabantur. 1748, 24 Oct.

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