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《灵界经历》 第3676节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3676

3676. They further conversed with me about the Word, to the effect that it was necessary that there should be a revelation, for revelation, or the Word, contains vessels into which spiritual and heavenly things can be slipped thereby conjoining heaven and earth, which would otherwise have been disjoined, resulting in the destruction of the human race.

But how things stand in regard to the gentiles, who have no revelation, and yet are saved, these are secrets. I only realized that it is enough that there is conjunction by means of the Word. The rest are secrets. 1748, 24 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3676

3676. He afterwards spoke with me concerning the Word, that it was necessary that a revelation should have existed, for a revelation, or Word, contains vessels into which spiritual and celestial things can be insinuated, and thus heaven and earth be conjoined, which would otherwise be disjoined, and the human race perish. As to how the matter stands with the Gentiles, who have no revelation, and yet are saved, there are arcana [upon this subject], only it was perceived that it is sufficient that there should be conjunction through the Word; the rest remains as arcana. - 1748, October 24.

Experientiae Spirituales 3676 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3676. Loquutum mecum dein de Verbo, quod necessum fuerit, ut revelatio existeret, nam revelatio, seu Verbum, continet vasa, quibus insinuari possunt spiritualia et coelestia, et quod sic conjungi coelum et terram, alioquin disjuncta foret, et periret humanum genus; at quomodo se habeat cum gentibus, qui nullam habent revelationem, et usque salvantur, sunt arcana, modo perceptum, quod satis sit, ut conjunctio sit per Verbum; caetera sunt arcana. 1748, 24 Oct.

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