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《灵界经历》 第3677节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3677

3677. About prayers

I realized that prayers accomplish nothing at all when they are offered only to beg forgiveness for one's evils, and one then imagines, once I have entreated, I then have remission of sins. But sins are not remitted unless there is repentance from the heart together with some minor torment and grief, and thus acknowledgment of one's uncleanness, during which and after which, prayers do avail.

This I realized to be true, and that otherwise prayers, and sacraments, and other rituals accomplish nothing - rather, they confirm us [in evils], for they lull the conscience [with the thought] that our sins are remitted by entreaty and we have utilized the means of salvation. Thus one returns into former uncleanness. A certain one wished to beg forgiveness in this way, and then realized [the truth] with the help of a spiritual mental image.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3677


It was perceived that prayers effect nothing while they are such that one merely intends to deprecate his evils, and thus thinks with himself "Provided only I shall have made deprecation, I shall obtain remission of sins." But sins are not remitted unless confessed truly from the heart, attended with a certain internal torture and anguish, and thus with an acknowledgment of vileness; in which and after which prayers avail. It was perceived that this was so, and that otherwise prayers, and sacraments, and external rites effect nothing; nay, they rather confirm a man, for they make his conscience quiet under the idea that sins are remitted, provided one has deprecated evils, and used the means of salvation. He thus returns to his former vileness. A certain person wished to deprecate [in this way], and then [the truth] was perceived by a spiritual idea.

Experientiae Spirituales 3677 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3677. De precibus

Perceptum quod preces nihil quicquam efficiant, dum tales sunt, ut mala sua solum deprecari intendat, et ita putat, modo deprecatus fuerim, quod sic remissionem peccatorum habeam, sed non remittuntur peccata nisi [sit poenitentia] ex corde cum quodam cruciatu et dolore interno, et sic agnitione foeditatis, in quibus, et post quae, preces valent: hoc perceptum quod ita sit, et quod alioquin preces, et sacramenta, et caeteri ritus nihil efficiant, magis confirmant hominem, nam conscientiam suam quietam facit, quod remissa sint peccata, modo deprecatus, et mediis salutis usus, sic redit ad foeditates priores: quidam deprecari voluit, et tunc perceptum idea spirituali.

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