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《灵界经历》 第3735节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3735

3735. Spirits wanted to examine what the Quakers were like inwardly, but they were not able, for they wanted nothing to be disclosed, deriving this unwillingness for anything to be disclosed from their life in the body, as was communicated to me. They said, when the spirits wanted to explore their inward qualities, that it is enough that they do not speak ill of anyone, nor do harm to anyone, what more do they want? 1748, 27 Oct.

It was found also that they speak sparingly, and therefore do not divulge anything of what they are thinking, to which it was added that they do not hold any definite doctrinal tenets of faith, except what spirits inspire into them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3735

3735. Spirits were desirous of exploring their interior quality, but they were unable, for they were averse to any disclosure, deriving this from the life of the body, that nothing should be laid open, which was also communicated to me. They said, when [the spirits] wished to explore their interiors, that they asked ill of no one, and did harm to no one, and what more would they have? - 1748, October 27. It was discovered also that they speak but little, and therefore that they divulge scarcely anything of what they think. It was then said that they have no particular fixed doctrinals of faith, except that they are inspired by the Spirit.

Experientiae Spirituales 3735 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3735. Volebant spiritus explorare quales sunt interius, sed non potuerunt, nam nihil voluerunt ut propalaretur, ex vita corporis hoc habentes, ut nihil propalaretur, quod communicatum mihi; dicebant, cum vellent explorare interiora eorum, quod satis sit, se non loqui malum de aliquo, nec facere malum alicui, quid velint amplius? 1748, 27 Oct. Compertum quoque quod parum loquantur, proinde non quicquam promulgent de iis quae cogitent; tum dictum, quod non aliqua certa doctrinalia fidei habeant, praeter quod spiritus iis inspirant.

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