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《灵界经历》 第374节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 374

374. About hell, and the cruelty of the hellish gang

What the cruelty of the hellish gang is like, can never be described. In their fantasies they carry on in the most hostile manner toward others, committing such cruelties against them that if they should be described, [all] would shudder. For if they were able to carry out the cruelties as in their fantasies, their butcheries would be more cruel than those of even the fiercest wild animals.

In their fantasies they seem to pull out executioner's axes, and other instruments of death; and if God the Messiah did not subdue their savagery, those they intend to torment would actually feel most severely tortured. For the power of fantasies among souls is such that it can bring on a physical-like sensation and, accordingly, one of excruciating pain. These sensations God the Messiah erases, and indeed, He takes the deadly instruments away from them.

In short, there are more horrible things than anyone could ever believe. The human race, which is worse than the fiercest wild animals, would have practiced such cruelties, had not God the Messiah saved them, and redeemed them, and did He not continually free them from the pains of hell. 1747, the 21st day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 374


What the cruelty of the infernal crew is like can never be described; they act from phantasies in the most hostile manner against others upon whom they exercise such cruelties that if they were to be described they would horrify. For if they could exercise cruelties according to their phantasies, their butcheries would be even more cruel than those of the most ferocious wild beasts. By their phantasies they as it were bring forth axes and instruments of death, and unless God Messiah subdued their savagery, those whom they intend to torment would also have the most cruel sensation. For such is the power of phantasies amongst souls that they can induce a sensation as though it were corporeal, thus likewise torments. God Messiah removes those sensations; indeed He takes away the instruments of death from the infernal crew. In a word, these cruelties are more horrifying than one can ever believe. The human race, which is worse than the most ferocious wild beasts, would have exercised such cruelties unless God Messiah had saved them and redeemed them, and thus He continually liberates them from infernal punishments. 1747, Dec. 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 374 (original Latin 1748-1764)

374. De inferno et infernalis turbae crudelitate

Qualis crudelitas infernalis turbae est, nusquam describi potest, agunt ex phantasiis inimicissime, contra alios, in quos tales crudelitates exercent, ut si describerentur, horrescerent; si enim secundum phantasias exercere crudelitates potuissent, lanienae forent crudeliores 1

quam usque ferarum ferocissimarum, secures et instrumenta mortis per phantasias quasi promunt, et nisi Deus Messias domaret saevitias eorum, etiam ii quos cruciare intendunt, sensum crudelissimum haberent, nam talis est phantasiarum vis inter animas, ut inducere possint sensum ut corporeum, similiter ita cruciatus, eas sensationes tollit Deus Messias, imo instrumenta mortis ab iis aufert; verbo horrenda magis sunt quam usquam aliquis possit credere genus humanum, quod pejus est feris ferocissimis, tales crudelitates exercuissent, nisi Deus Messias eos salvaverit et eos redemerit, et sic ab infernalibus poenis continue liberet. 1747, die 21 Dec.


1. The Manuscript has crudiliores

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