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《灵界经历》 第3760节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3760

3760. What inward things are

Certain spirits did not know what the inward things of the Word means, but they were informed that inward things means the higher knowledge of faith, thus the tenets of faith, which were portrayed in the prophets by means of outward things; as also those which the Lord declared from time to time, as, for instance, that Peter symbolizes faith, and the like. 1748, 29 Oct. It was also said that the tree of knowledge symbolizes inwardly the kind of knowledge that deceived the most ancient Church; that the land of Canaan and the new Hierusalem symbolize the heaven of the Lord; that the sacrifices, the garments of Aaron, and all the figurative things of the Church symbolized the Lord, thus Heaven; so anyone may know what inward things are.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3760


Certain spirits were ignorant of what is signified by the interiors of the Word, but they were informed that its interiors signify the knowledges of faith, thence the things that are of faith, which with the prophets were represented by exterior things, as likewise everything spoken by the Lord; as for instance, that Peter signifies faith, and the like. - 1748, October 29. Thus too it was said, that the tree of knowledge signifies the interior scientifics which deceived the Most Ancient Church; that the land of Canaan and the New Jerusalem signify the heaven of the Lord; that sacrifices, Aaron's garments, and all the representatives of the Church signified the Lord, thus heaven; wherefore anyone may know what interior things are.

Experientiae Spirituales 3760 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3760. Quid Interiora

Quidam spiritus nesciebant quid interiora Verbi significarent, sed informati, quod interiora significent cognitiones fidei, proinde ea quae sunt fidei, quae apud prophetas repraesentatae sunt per exteriora; sicut etiam quae Dominus passim loquutus; sicut quod Petrus significet fidem, et similia; 1748, 29 Oct.; sicut, quod etiam dictum, arbor scientiae significat interius scientifica quae deceperunt antiquissimam Ecclesiam; quod terra Canaan et nova Hierusalem significent coelum Domini, quod sacrificia, vestes Aharonis, et omnia repraesentativa Ecclesiae significaverint Dominum, ita Coelum; quare quisque novit quid interiora sunt.

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