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《灵界经历》 第376节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 376

376. Diabolic spirits, by their fantasies, bring not only upon each other, but also upon people on earth, very strongly felt pains and torments

For many reasons I can assert that souls and spirits, by mere fantasies, were able to bring painful torments not only upon each other, but even upon people on earth. No one may ever believe this, but still it is so true that I can fully affirm it from experience not only in myself - indeed, quite much and frequent experience - but also from [that of] souls and spirits when they were being tormented, as well as from the strong sensation the souls [experienced] from fantasies like these - which they affirm most emphatically. For every kind of sense is produced in souls as if it were a physical one, such as sight, smell, taste, hearing, yes even desires and appetites - so strong, that they hardly occur in the body so strongly.

So this applies also to sensations of pain. Most violent ones would be brought on by the diabolic gang, if God the Messiah did not save souls from such a hell. 1747, the 21st day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 376


From many things I can declare that souls and spirits from phantasies alone were able to bring upon themselves, and also upon men, painful torments which no one could ever believe, although it is nevertheless so true that I can fully testify to the fact, not only from experience sufficiently abundant and frequent in myself, but also from the souls and spirits when they were being tortured; also from the sensibility of souls through similar phantasies, as is most fully testified. For with souls any sense whatever, such as sight, smell, touch, hearing, even cupidities and appetites, is induced so strongly, that they scarcely exist as strongly in the body itself; consequently, the sense of pain, which most atrocious pains would be induced by the devil's crew, unless God Messiah saved souls from such a hell. 1747, Dec. 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 376 (original Latin 1748-1764)

376. Quod spiritus diabolici per phantasias suas, non solum sibimet 1

, sed etiam hominibus sensibilissimos cruciatus et torturas inferrent

Ex pluribus asseverare possum, quod animae a spiritus sibimet ex solis phantasiis potuissent penibiles 1

cruciatus inferre, sed etiam hominibus, quod nusquam aliquis credere posset, sed usque ita verum est, ut 2

id testari prorsus possim ab 3

experientia non solum in memet, et quidem satis pluri et crebra, sed etiam ex animabus et spiritibus, dum torquebantur, tum ex sensibilitate animarum, per similes phantasias, ut testatissimum est, nam animabus quilibet sensus, sicut corporis inducitur, ut visus, olfactus, tactus, auditus, imo cupiditates et appetitus, tam fortes, ut vix in corpore tam fortes existant, proinde sensus doloris; qui inducerentur atrocissimi a diaboli turba, nisi Deus Messias salvaret animas a tali inferno. 1747, die 21 Dec.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition Manuscript semet

1. = poenibiles

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has est ut videtur

3. The Manuscript has possim; ab

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