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《灵界经历》 第3803节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3803

3803. Later I was told, both by him and I think also by others, that he imagined that he had been born holy, thus without a blemish, from his mother's womb, because he had been born holy in the world, and in fact, by means of their spirit in a wicked act of adultery, and believed he had been conceived - thus conceived and born from the holy spirit, but with the help of a man - and therefore that he was from eternity, being born from the holy spirit.

Because of him, it was said, others had gotten the idea of committing such wicked adulteries and abominations. I also saw his face near me, which was like the face of an unsightly wicked person. It was told that he alone, or those like him, drink that kind of dark red wine in heaven, which they think is heavenly. Perhaps this is their holy supper, that such persons drink either on earth, or in the other life.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3803

3803. It was afterwards said to me, both by himself and, as I think, by others also, that such an one supposed himself holy-born, and thus without blemish from his mother's womb, because born such in the world, though in fact [begotten] by their spirit in vile adultery. As he supposed himself conceived, so also that he was born of the Holy Spirit, but with the aid of a man, and thus that he was from eternity - because born of the Holy Spirit. From him it was said that others held that they might perpetrate such nefarious adulteries and abominations. There was also seen near me a face which was similar [to that of] a base and detestable man; concerning whom it was said that he alone, or those like him, might drink such dark red wine in heaven, because he thought the wine to be celestial. This is perhaps their sacred supper - that such should drink either on earth or in the other life.

Experientiae Spirituales 3803 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3803. Postea mihi dictum, tam ab eo, et ut reor etiam ab aliis, quod talis putabat se sancte natum esse, et sic ab utero matris absque naevo, quia talis natus in mundo, et quidem per spiritum eorum, in nefando adulterio, ut putabat conceptus, ita quod conceptus et natus a spiritu sancto, sed cum viri auxilio, ac ita quod esset ab aeterno; quia natus a spiritu sancto; ex eo dictum alios habere, quod talia nefanda adulteria et abominationes faciant; visus erat prope me quoque facie, quae erat homini turpi et nefando similis; de eo dictum quod is solus, seu qui tales sunt, bibant vinum tale obscurum rubrum in coelo, quod vinum coeleste putant esse, hoc forte est eorum sacra coena, quod tales bibant sive in terra, sive in altera vita.

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