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《灵界经历》 第3804节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3804

3804. But that Bottle was wrapped around him in a manner that is usual in the other life, so that he acquired a new crust, so to speak, and, clothed with that body-like crust, he withdrew some distance toward the front, where he was divested of the crust and emerged as something small and snowy, like a human being, that withdrew closer to me, but higher up, and spoke with me from there as before. He said among other things that he has put off the old person and put on the new one. But he spoke as before, so he was not amidst inward spirits. It was due to his fantasy that he presented himself in this way, imagining that he had put off the other body he had with him and thus emerged as a new person, so that he was the holy spirit from eternity - perhaps thinking this was what he had derived from the holy spirit, and that he had put off the bodily part from his father.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3804

3804. But that flask was made to envelope him round about, just as is usual in the other life, so that he received as it were, a new shell, with which shell, corporeal as it was, being clothed, he retired to a distance in front, and then being divested of the shell he emerged as a small snow-white something, resembling a man, and thereupon betaking himself nearer to me, but higher, he thence spoke with me, as before, [saying] among other things, that he had thus put off the old man, and put on the new, but saying, as before, that he was not thus among exterior spirits. This took place from his phantasy that he should have presented himself as such, thinking that he had in this laid off another body which he had with him, and thus emerged a new man, and so that he was the Holy Spirit from eternity, perhaps also that it was that which he supposed he had derived from the Holy Spirit, and that that corporeal was laid aside which was from the father.

Experientiae Spirituales 3804 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3804. Sed Lagena ista circumvoluta est circum eum, modo ut solet in altera vita, sic ut novam quasi crustam inde acciperet, qua crusta quasi corporea indutus, ad distantiam recessit antrorsum, et ibi exutus ea crusta, et emersit parvum quoddam niveum, sicut homo, qui inde se recipiens propius ad me sed altius, et inde mecum loquebatur, ut prius, inter alia, quod exuerit sic veterem hominem, et induerit novum, sed loquutus ut prius, ut sic non esset inter spiritus interiores; hoc ex phantasia ejus factum, quod se stiterit talem, putans sic exutum alio corpore, quod habuit secum, et sic emersisse novus; ita quod esset spiritus sanctus ab aeterno: forte quod id esset quod a spiritu sancto putaverit se traxisse, et corporeum istud exutum quod a patre.

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