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《灵界经历》 第3805节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3805

3805. Those are especially of this character, who had been born out of such intercourse, who boast themselves holier than the rest, and to have been born in a holy manner, and they are the kind who especially inspire such intercourse and who are with the Quakers when they lie with the women in that terrible abomination. For they are lewd beyond others, and as I sensed, more deeply persuaded of such adulteries than others, committing them from conviction that I could feel. In this case, he was also acting from that conviction upon my pectoral breathing.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3805

3805. They are especially such that are the fruit of such a connection, who boast themselves as being holy above others, and holy-born, and of such a quality are they who prompt such connections, and who are with the Quakers when they cohabit in that detestable abomination with the women; for they are pre-eminently lascivious, and I perceived that they are in the persuasion of such adultery above others, thus that they act from the persuasion, which was felt by me; he also, from that persuasion, prompted my pectoral respiration.

Experientiae Spirituales 3805 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3805. Tales imprimis sunt, qui nati ex tali concubitu, qui sanctos prae caeteris se venditant, et sancte natos, et tales sunt, qui imprimis inspirant tales concubitus, et qui apud Quakeros sunt, cum concumbunt in abominatione ista abominabili cum faeminis; nam prae caeteris lascivissimi sunt, et percepi quod in persuasione talis adulterii prae caeteris, sic quod ex persuasione agerent, quae mihi sentita: tunc quoque agebat ex persuasione ista respirationem meam pectoralem.

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