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《灵界经历》 第3837节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3837

3837. I saw that they relate to the isthmus in the brain, between the cerebrum and cerebellum, from which and through which various tissues are spread out, and wherever they extend, function differently in the extremes, while yet in their beginning they are the same or alike. I saw also that they relate to the ganglia into which a single nerve flows, and out of which issues a multitude of nerves that go apart, some spreading this way and some that, and which function dissimilarly at their extremes. But because they proceed from one ganglion, they act from a single beginning, thus acting apparently dissimilarly in their extremes, and yet in themselves similarly as to their end in view, which is the same; and so in many other cases. 1748, 2, 3 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3837

3837. It was perceived that such represent the isthmus in the brain which is situated between the cerebrum and the cerebellum, from which and through which the fibers are diffused, and whithersoever they extend, they act diversely in the extremes, but yet in their [first] principle they act in the same or a similar way; and also that they represent the ganglia into which a [single] nerve flows, and out of which issues a multitude that part asunder and spread, some this way and some that, and which act indeed dissimilarly in their ultimates, but because issuing from one ganglion, they act from one principle, and thus while in ultimates they act dissimilarly according to appearance, yet in themselves they act alike as to end, which is one; and so in many other things. - 1748, November 2, 3.

Experientiae Spirituales 3837 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3837. Perceptum quod referant isthmum in cerebro, qui est inter cerebrum et cerebellum, e quo et per quem fibrae varie diffunduntur, et quocunque vadunt, aliter in extremis agunt, sed usque in principio eorum, idem seu simile agunt: tum quod referant ganglia, in quae influit nervus, et inde effluunt plures et divaricantur, quidam huc quidam illuc, qui in ultimis dissimiliter agunt, sed quia ab uno ganglio, ab uno principio agunt, et sic usque in ultimis dissimile quoad apparentiam agunt, cum tamen in se simile quoad finem, qui unus est, ita in multis aliis. 1748, 2, 3 Nov.

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