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《灵界经历》 第3838节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3838

3838. About the holy spirit

There was a subtle spirit with me, a medium of the deceitful ones overhead who had come upon that medium, who believed he was acted upon by the holy spirit, even that he was the holy spirit. For those who like the Quakers, in their life had supposed that they were being acted on by the holy spirit readily believe that they are the holy spirit, because they had become convinced in bodily life that it was in them. They especially can be the mediums of those who desire to be worshipped as the holy spirit.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3838


There was with me a subtle spirit who was a subject of those deceitful ones above the head, who found in him a subject that believed himself to be actuated by the Holy Spirit, and indeed that he is the Holy Spirit; for those who in their life, like the Quakers, suppose themselves to be actuated by the Holy Spirit are easily led in the other life, to fancy themselves to be the Holy Spirit, because while in the life of the body they were persuaded that he was in them, and such especially are adapted to be the subjects of those who wish to be worshipped for the Holy Spirit.

Experientiae Spirituales 3838 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3838. De spiritu sancto

Erat spiritus subtilis apud me, qui subjectum eorum qui supra caput dolosi sunt, qui invenerunt tale subjectum, qui credidit se a spiritu sancto agi, tum quod is spiritus sanctus esset, nam qui in vita, ut Quakeri, se a spiritu sancto ita agi putant, in altera vita facile se credunt spiritum sanctum esse, quia in vita corporis persuasi quam in iis, et ii imprimis possunt esse subjecta eorum, qui pro spiritu sancto se volunt coli.

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