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《灵界经历》 第3847节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3847

3847. The bonds of conscience

Because the deceitful spirits above the head have no conscience, the bond of conscience with them being so loosed that they do not know what conscience is, therefore they wanted to induce me [to feel] that something quite indifferent should also be a matter of conscience, thus burdening the conscience with anything that comes along, indiscriminately, thus inducing on those who have a conscience, either true, or spurious, the notion that it is a matter of conscience to do this or that - as they did with me, suggesting that I should eat, or shop, at a certain place, because they are upright people, and so on. This is how spurious consciences are formed, namely by people suffering pangs of conscience, so to speak, if they are distressed by this or that which is not a sin. I was prompted to say to them that they are borne along by conscience if they are unable to do evil, for even the devil is guided by a quasi conscience, being affected by anxiety that he may not be able to think, speak and do evil, as is also the case with some people on earth.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3847


Because the deceitful, who are above the head, are void of conscience, the bond of conscience being so entirely loosed with them they do not know what conscience is, therefore they wished to induce upon me the persuasion that that which was indifferent ought to be a matter of conscience. Thus whatever occurred they would infuse a conscientiousness concerning it, without discrimination, so also with those who had conscience whether true or spurious, they would suggest that to do this or that was a matter of conscience, as with me, that I should eat or buy in a certain place, because the persons there were upright, and so on. Thence arise spurious consciences, causing the possessors to be tormented with remorse by doing this or that in which there is no sin. It was given to say to them that they would be goaded by conscience if they could not perpetrate evil, for the devil is of such a quality that he is led on by a kind of conscience, inasmuch as he is affected by anxiety that he is not [always] able to think, speak, or do evil, as is also the case with some men.

Experientiae Spirituales 3847 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3847. De vinculis conscientiae

Quia dolosi, qui supra caput, nulla conscientia sunt, sed apud eos laxatum ita est vinculum conscientiae, non sciunt quid conscientia, quare apud me, inducere volebant etiam id quod indifferens esset, etiam conscientiam esse debere, sic quicquid obvium, infundunt conscientiam, absque discrimine, ita apud eos, quibus conscientia seu vera, seu spuria, inducunt, quod conscientiae sit hoc et illud facere, sicut apud me, quod ederem et emerem certo loco, quia probi, et sic porro; inde etiam spuriae conscientiae, quod nempe angantur conscientiae quasi morsu, si hoc aut illo quod non peccatum est, anguntur; dicere datum iis, quod conscientia ferantur, si non malum possint patrare, nam diabolus talis ut quasi conscientia feratur, quia anxietate, quod malum cogitare, loqui et facere nequeat, ut etiam homines quidam sunt.

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