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《灵界经历》 第3853节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3853

3853. It was therefore granted me to display to them flaming fires, first in a dark fireplace, containing coals at one corner, and on the coals something like a dark, bony skull. They said that this display symbolizes the light of bodily or sensual things, which is like this. Afterwards a more fiery, higher flame appeared, under the wood, but the logs were darkened without being caught afire - by which they said earthly light was symbolized, which is such as this.

[2] The flame was only yellowish, like that of a wood fire, and I was prompted to tell them that if the fieriness there due to the lighted smoke were absent, the flame would be white - that is, if earthly things [were present], which are the lighted fiery smoke that darkens and thus yellows, then the whiteness, thus the spiritual symbolized by the white flame, would be within.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3853

3853. It was therefore granted to them to exhibit flaming fires, first in a dark chimney, at one corner, where there were coals, and upon the coals an obscure lifeless bony something of corresponding character. Those things, they said, signified the light of corporeal or sensual things, which was of this quality. Afterwards the flame seemed more glowing and [to rise] higher, under the sticks of wood, but the sticks were merely blackened without being kindled, by which they said was signified the quality of natural light. There was no other than a yellowish flame, like that which usually arises from [burning] wood, and it was given to say to them, that if the fiery [quality] which was there were wanting to the lighted smoke, the flame would be white; that is to say, if natural things [were wanting], for these are [what correspond to] the lighted fiery smoke which makes the dark hue so yellow; that in such a case it would be inwardly white, and thus spiritual, for the spiritual is signified by a white flame.

Experientiae Spirituales 3853 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3853. Concessum itaque iis sistere ignes flammeos, primum in obscuro camino, ubi carbones, ad unum angulum, et super carbones simile obscurum cranium osseum, dicebant quod ea significent lumen corporeorum seu sensualium, quod tale sit. Postea visa flamma ardentior, et altior, sub lignis, sed ligna erant obscurata, nec accendebantur, quibus dicebant significari lumen naturale, quod tale; flamma non erat nisi flavescens sicut solet lignea, quibus dicere datum, quod si igneum quod ibi ex fumo accenso abesset, quod flamma candida foret, nempe si naturalia [abessent], quae sunt fumus accensus, igneus, qui obscurum facit ita flavum, quod sic quod intra foret candidum, sic spirituale, quod significatur per flammam candidam.

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