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《灵界经历》 第3854节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3854

3854. Later, a woman was seen by them clothed with a short cloak of a greenish yellow color, whose face was drawn back within the cloak, and thus out of sight. It was told that by women with that type of dress are also portrayed earthly and bodily things, and I was prompted to think that if spirits and men today went unclothed and were seen naked, they would appear most ugly and unclean, and therefore it is better that they be clothed. 1748, 4 Nov. * *

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3854

3854. Afterwards a woman was seen by them clothed with a short cloak of a greenish yellow color, whose face was drawn within the cloak, and thus removed from sight. They said that natural and corporeal things were represented by such female garments; but it was given to reflect that if spirits and men were at this day to be destitute of clothing, and be seen naked, they would appear most deformed and unsightly, wherefore it is better that they should be clothed. - 1748, November 4.

Experientiae Spirituales 3854 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3854. Postea ab iis visa mulier pallio curto induta coloris biliosi flavescentis, cujus facies retracta erat intra pallium, et sic disparuit, dicebant quod per talis vestitus faeminas repraesententur quoque naturalia et corporea; sed cogitare dabatur, si absque amictu forent hodie spiritus et homines, et apparerent nudi, quod deformissimi et turpissimi apparerent, quare melius quod vestiti. 1748, 4 Nov.

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