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《灵界经历》 第3855节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3855

3855. Someone with me, asleep

Someone was sent to me who was so fast asleep that he was not at all concerned about the attacks of evil spirits, and I was also given the realization that the sleep of some is such that they believe themselves to be utterly safe, because protected by the Lord, as I sensed from the aura of his sleeping state. The evil spirits began to attack, but confessed that they could do nothing. 1748, 4 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3855


There was a certain one sent to me who was in such a sleep, that he cared nothing for the infestations of evil spirits, and it was also given to perceive, that such is the sleep of some, that they believe themselves most secure because guarded by the Lord. This was perceived from his state of sleep and from his sphere. The evil spirits then began their infestations, but they confessed that they could effect nothing. - 1748, November 4.

Experientiae Spirituales 3855 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3855. 1

Quidam apud me dormiens

Erat quidam ad me missus, qui in somno tali erat, ut nihil prorsus curaret malorum spirituum infestationes, et quoque percipere datum quod talis quorundam somnus sit, ut tutissimos se credant, quia tutantur a Domino, ex statu somni, et inde ex sphaera, hoc perceptum est, infestabant tunc mali spiritus, sed fassi quod nihil quicquam possent. 1748, 4 Nov.


1. hanc paragraphum in ms. Post 3855 apparentem conformiter auctoris indiciis huc transponimus

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