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《灵界经历》 第3862节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3862

3862. It was also shown that the general senses operate as well into the province of the loins by means of their similar inflow from without, resembling a gust of wind that filled the loins, but not the genital members. For the general operation of the cerebellum, besides being into the face is also around the loins, where many nerves from the cerebellum flow together for reasons concerned with propagation, which is a natural process - nor is a person aware at the time of this process, how everything works together, for propagation is exempt from almost all man's voluntary action. It was said that the main cause of the motions of that region is that of propagation, and that secondary causes concern the ability to sit, and to move the lower parts for various uses. This was affirmed, because the purpose of propagation is the principal one.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3862

3862. It was also shown that a general sense operates likewise into the province of the loins by their similar external influx, like an afflatus, which pervades the loins, though not the genital members; for the general operation of the cerebellum, besides flowing into the face, acts about the loins, where numerous nerves of the cerebellum center, having reference to the propagation of offspring, which is natural; nor does man then know how all these things apply themselves, for propagation is in all respects exempt from man's voluntary principle. It was said [to me] that the principle cause of the motions of that region was one having reference to propagation, and that a secondary object was, that man might be able to sit down and to move the lower parts of his person, and that for various uses; but it was affirmed that the principle end was that of propagation.

Experientiae Spirituales 3862 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3862. Ostensum quoque est, quod communis sensus quoque operentur in provinciam lumborum, per similem eorum influxum externum, afflatus instar, qui occupabat lumbos, non autem membra genitalia; nam communis cerebelli operatio praeter in faciem etiam est circa lumbos, ubi plures nervi cerebelli confluunt, ob causam circa propagationem, quae naturalis est, nec novit homo tunc quomodo se applicant omnia, nam propagatio exemta est in fere omnibus a voluntariis hominis; dictum quod causa principalis motionum istius regionis sit propter propagationem, et quod secundaria inde fluant, quod homo sedere possit, et movere inferiora, ad plures usus: quod affirmatum, quia propagationis finis est principalis.

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